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Research shows that sugar-free slushes can be harmful to children

Research shows that sugar-free slushes can be harmful to children



Enjoying icy slushes during the hot months in New York City is a favorite summer staple. For many of our native New Yorkers, it's not just the fun snack we grew up and awaited every summer, but a tradition passed down to our kids.

However, new research in the UK and Ireland warns parents about the dangers of slussy when it is labeled as sugar-free for young children. The study states that children under the age of 4 should avoid slushy, which contains a substance called glycerol.

Research published in Childhood Disease ArchivesWe investigated the cases where a child became seriously ill after drinking thrassi containing glycerol. Glycerol is commonly used to maintain a muddy texture in the sugar-free version. In a typical sugar slushes, sugar helps maintain the texture of the slushes, while in the sugar-free versions, glycerol is replaced.

Glycerol can cause harmful effects in young children, leading to symptoms such as drowsiness, dangerously low blood sugar, and imbalances in the body's metabolism.

Important findings from the research

This study reviewed 21 cases of children, mainly between the ages of 3 and 4. Almost all the children reacted seriously. Symptoms include:

  • Loss of consciousness (94% of children)
  • Very hypoglycemia (95%)
  • Acid accumulation in the body (94%)
  • Other issues such as low potassium, high fat levels in the blood, and high glycerol levels in the urine

Ellen Krashsel, the study's lead author and pediatrician, explained that these reactions are part of a condition called glycerol poisoning syndrome.

What parents should know

It is worth noting that not all slushy have glycerol. It is usually found in sugar-free things. Drinks that have glycerol may not cause any major problems if your child occasionally has them in small amounts. Still, parents should be careful and limit the amount their children drink, especially those under the age of 4.

Slussy is made with glycerol instead of sugar to create sugar-free products, and many parents want their children to avoid excess sugar.

Glycerol is found in many foods. It is a sugar alcohol used as sugar replacement in protein bars, sugar-free gums, and other foods that contain sugar substitutes. Usually, excessive consumption by adults can cause stomach problems such as bloating, gas, and diarrhea.

Young children are more likely to experience serious effects from glycerol, as their smaller bodies and their developing metabolism do not process it like adults. Many of the children in this study were very ill and were sent for testing to check for metabolic hereditary disorders. Some children lost consciousness in the hospital, and one suffered a seizure.

Symptoms of glycerol toxin syndrome

If your child starts to feel sick after drinking thrassi, look for symptoms. If they show signs of sleepiness, confusion, obscure remarks, nausea, vomiting, or common eerieness, stop drinking more, give them sweets to eat to raise their blood sugar levels, and immediately seek medical assistance.

Dr. Crushsell, whether full or no sugar, does not offer real health benefits to children. It is best to maintain both health and safety when you have these drinks.




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