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Rising dengue cases prompt health warnings for popular spring break spots

Rising dengue cases prompt health warnings for popular spring break spots



As spring Breakers flock to warm travel destinations in March and April, with mosquito numbers and potentially fatal disease They increase.

According to the Centers for Disease Control, some countries were higher than normal cases of dengue this spring, with the CDC discovering higher numbers of instances than expected. We Return from these counties and urge a Level 1 health warning.

The map below shows countries around the world report higher than usual cases. The CDC said Travelers These destinations may have an increased risk of dengue infections.


Map (CDC) showing countries reporting more dengue cases than dengue cases as of March 20, 2025

Mexicoand the center and south americaand some Caribbean islands report higher than average cases.

Spring break destinations on the US mainland and territory are also risk-free. Local health officials have declared that dengue fever will occur Puerto Rico And US Virgin Islands and local transmissions were reported in 2024 California, Florida and Texas.


On March 13, 2025, people are enjoying Miami Beach as part of a new measure to control spring break in Miami.

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The CDC said last year, a “recorded number of dengue cases” (3,483 cases) were identified among U.S. travelers, an 84% increase compared to 2023.

“This trend is expected to continue with increasing dengue activity in endemic regions in 2025,” the CDC said.

What is dengue fever?

According to the CDC, the dengue virus is absorbed by mosquito bites and symptoms usually appear within two weeks of infection.


Male (top) and female (bottom) Aedes aegypti will be viewed through a microscope on August 14, 2019 at the Oswald Cruz Foundation Research Institute in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

The best way to prevent dengue is to avoid mosquito bites by wearing an EPA registered insect repellent and restricting mosquitoes indoors and outdoors. Parents should also wear clothes that cover the arms and legs to children and babies, and use mosquito nets in strollers and baby carriers.

Most people will recover about a week after the initial symptoms, including body pain, joint pain, nausea, vomiting, rash, and fever. In severe cases, dengue fever can cause internal bleeding and can be fatal. One in 20 people infected with dengue fever are seriously ill.

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Bleeding from the nose and gums, or in vomit or stool, should be considered a sign of severe dengue fever, and a visit to a local emergency room is recommended.

In most cases, rest, acetaminophen and liquids are the best treatments for mild dengue cases.

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