Four groundbreaking studies could revolutionize tuberculosis treatment

As of early 2025, cases of tuberculosis were on the rise in the United States, and the disease shortens to tuberculosis, causing serious lung damage, and is almost always fatal if not treated. World TB Day on March 24th raises awareness about the disease and commemorates Robert Koch's discovery of tuberculosis bacteria. More than a century later, scientists continue to improve their diagnostic methods and treatment strategies for tuberculosis, some of which can be found in these four ACS journal articles. Reporters can request free access to these papers via email
Fluorescence for faster tuberculosis diagnosis. Currently, due to slow growth of bacteria, it is resistant to stains used in imaging, so M. Testing tuberculosis saliva samples takes time. To develop a faster method, researchers have targeted proteins that bacteria use to steal iron ions from host cells. In research published in ACS Central Sciencethe team explains how to label iron transport proteins with fluorescent tags. This is an M. tuberculosis turns on after releasing iron in cells. Individual tests of saliva from 11 people diagnosed with tuberculosis identified the infectious level of the bacteria within 10 minutes using fluorescent technology.
White blood cell-centered M. tuberculosis therapy. A type of white blood cell called macrophages is taken over during tuberculosis infection and becomes an incubator for pathogens. Therefore, the researcher reports ACS infection The development of sugar-coated nanoparticles that are absorbed by infected macrophages. And once inside, the nanoparticles disrupt important cellular pathways, encouraging the recycling of damaged cells. In infected mice, 6 weeks of nanoparticle treatment significantly reduced the amount of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in the pulmonary.
Potential nose treatment for tuberculous meningitis. When Mycobacterium tuberculosis reaches cerebrospinal fluid, the result can be tuberculous meningitis – life-threatening inflammation Around the human brain and spinal cord. To ingest the tuberculosis drug clofazimine throughout the blood-brain barrier, researchers encapsulated it within small particles and created a nasal spray. According to their research ACS infection, The spray had no adverse effects on mice with tuberculous meningitis. The 4-week treatment significantly reduced the burden of bacteria in the brain and lungs of animals compared to untreated mice.
Photoactivated particles inactivate bacteria. Many new TB cases are multidrug resistant. Therefore, the research team wanted to improve treatment. Effectiveness By creating photoreactive therapies, you reduce the risk of additional antibacterial resistance. They encapsulated light-activated particles within a sphere across the nanometer. When nanospheres were injected into mice, red laser light caused particles, producing reactive oxygen species that inactivated Mycobacterium Mariname, a bacteria that causes tuberculosis-like disease in fish. The first animal studies findings are published in ACS Omega.
Additionally, in March 2025, the ACS Webinar and ACS Publications co-hosted virtual events, “Destruction and Destruction: Nododopathy of Starvation with Smarter Science,” innovative drug strategies and cutting-edge tuberculosis research. Webinars are available on demand.
Journal reference:
- by, D. , et al. (2025). Insight into IRTAB: Iron Transport Promotes Ultra-Sensitivity Detection of Mycobacteria In both the cellular and clinical environment. ACS Central Science.
- Bekare, RB, et al. (2025). Immunoregulatory nanoparticles induce and reduce autophagy in macrophages Mycobacterium tuberculosis The burden on the lungs of mice. ACS infection.
- Jadhav, K. , et al. (2025). Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of clofazimine nanoin micromacula: Enhanced brain delivery and amelioration of CNS tuberculosis by intranasal administration. ACS infection.
- King, H. , et al. (2025). Intake of biomimetic nanovesicles by granuloma for photodynamic therapy of tuberculosis. ACS Omega.
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