Check your health – What you need to know to prevent and detect colon cancer

Colorectal cancer is the second most common cancer-related death in men and women under the age of 50, and the third most major cause.
According to the American Cancer Society, nearly 153,000 people in the United States were diagnosed with colon or rectal cancer in 2024, and more than 53,000 people died from the disease.
March is Colon Cancer Awareness Month, and Intermountain Health is working to raise awareness about the disease and the importance of prevention and early detection.
Recognition is important as it can prevent many cases of colon and rectal cancer. In fact, colon cancer has a survival rate of 90% when detected early.
Understand your risks
Colon cancer can affect anyone, but certain factors can increase your risk.
- year: Most cases occur in individuals over 50 years old
- Family History: A family history of colon cancer or polyps can increase your risk.
- Personal History: Previous polyps or inflammatory bowel disease increases the risk.
- Lifestyle Factors: A diet high in red and processed meat, smoking, intense alcohol use, and lack of physical activity can contribute to increased risk.
However, it's not only the elderly who need to be vigilant. The incidence of colorectal cancer has steadily increased among young Americans over the past decades, and is the most spike in the incidence of rectal cancer.
In 2020, it was estimated that 11% of all colon cancers and 15% of all rectal cancer diagnoses occur in individuals under the age of 50.
“It's too late to wait for symptoms,” said Christine Hachem, interim medical director for gastrointestinal health and digestive systems. “Screening occurs when you have no symptoms and feel better. Early detection is important to catch colorectal cancer and save lives.”
This rise is surprising as younger patients often have more advanced cases to their diagnosis.
Factors that contribute to this trend may include environmental exposure, dietary habits and sporadic genetic variation, Dr. Hakem said.
“Young people face unique barriers when it comes to screening for colon cancer, including screening, lack of awareness of the need for fear or discomfort associated with procedures and challenges in navigating the healthcare system,” said Nathan Merriman, senior medical director of the Surgery Specialty and senior medical director of the Gastrointestinal Health Clinical Program for Delinquent Health. “It's important for everyone to understand individual risk factors and determine the best screening plan to discuss with healthcare providers, regardless of age.”
Updated national guidelines will allow more people to screen for colonoscopy and stool-based testing from the age of 45.
Colonoscopy is considered the gold standard for colon cancer detection because it not only detects abnormalities but also removes pre-cancerous lesions. Intermountain Health makes it easy to schedule colonoscopy in an online system and provide access to this important screening option.
For most patients, colonoscopy is only required once every 10 years. Alternatively, if your doctor determines you are at high risk for colon cancer, it can only be once every five years.
Previous screening may be recommended for those with a personal history of polyps or family history of colon cancer.
If you have inflammatory bowel disease (with Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis) or other chronic diseases affecting your gastrointestinal (GI) area, consult with your doctor or GI specialist to determine when and how often you should screen.
“Please don't delay screenings,” Dr. Hakem said. “It can save your life.”
Other easy and convenient screening options
Intermountain Health offers effective and useful home-based testing, allowing you to get what you need when you need it.
Individuals ages 45-75 at average risk may qualify for Inter Mountain's On-Demand Colon Cancer Screening Kit. This is an option that allows you to obtain a test kit by mail and send it back to the lab for testing without the need for an appointment.
- Fecal Immunochemical Test (FIT): This simple, non-invasive test detects hidden blood in the stool, an early sign of colon cancer. If it can be completed at home and results are positive or abnormal, a follow-up colonoscopy may be required.
- Coroguard: Cologuard combines FIT with DNA testing to detect abnormal DNA markers in stool samples. It is also not invasive and can be done at home. Positive or abnormal results require follow-up colonoscopy.
Why choose home-based testing?
Home-based testing such as Fit and Cologuard offers several advantages.
- Convenient: Complete your tests at home without a doctor's visit.
- Non-invasive: No preparation or sedatives required.
- Accessibility: Perfect for those who may find it difficult to schedule or access a colonoscopy appointment.
Take action today
Understanding the risks and exploring screening options is an important step in preventing colon cancer.
If you are over 45, you can order a home-based colon cancer screening kit and mail the test kit without the need for a doctor's visit. If you have risk factors such as family members or a personal history of colon cancer or polyps, talk to your health care provider about screening.
Click for more information about Intermountain Health's on-demand service here.
To schedule a colonoscopy, or find a doctor:
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