UKHSA uses AI to identify the cause of food poisoning

The UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) is using AI to analyze online restaurant reviews and investigate how it can identify the causes of food poisoning.
In the study, researchers at the UKHSA evaluated how effective various large-scale language models (LLMs) are in identifying potential symptoms of gastrointestinal (GI) diseases from “thousands” online restaurant reviews.
They hope that each LLM's ability to detect symptoms such as abdominal pain, diarrhea, and vomiting can be used to ultimately use the food of the food that the food ate and target investigations into the outbreak of foodborne diseases.
This will help identify possible causes of food poisoning, as it provides more information on the proportion of GI diseases not captured by the current system, Uksha said.
“We are pleased to announce that we are committed to providing a range of services and services to our customers,” said Steven Riley, UKHSA Chief Data Officer.
“Using AI in this way allows us to quickly identify possible causes of more food-borne illnesses, combined with traditional epidemiological methods, to prevent more people from becoming ill.”
This initiative forms part of the UKHSA AI evaluation Perform a variety of tasks within public health.
The agency previously investigated how AI can help identify disease outbreaks from restaurant reviews, but recent research involved analyzing a more detailed list of terms and languages that could help identify sources.
After collection and filtering, over 3,000 reviews were manually annotated by epidemiologists.
We then reviewed a review containing a comprehensive list of GI-related keywords reviewed for related symptoms.
Due to the fact that these are not inherent to GI disease, more common symptoms such as headaches, fever and respiratory symptoms were not included, UKSHA explained.
One of the key challenges identified by researchers was access to real-time data.
LLMS allowed the team to gather general information about the type of food restaurant the guests ate, which may be related to the illness, but it is difficult to determine whether certain ingredients or other factors are involved, says Ukhsa.
Variations in spelling, slang use, and people who misdirect illnesses into certain diets were also identified as issues.
Riley said: “More work is needed before adopting these methods as a routine approach to tackling the outbreak of foodborne diseases.”
Meanwhile, in March 2025, NHS England announced it Roll out AI software by CERA It can be used to detect symptoms of winter illnesses such as Covid, Flu, RSV, and Norovirus.
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