Dr. Michael Fine: obsessed with chickens, eggs, bird flu

So, our fearless healthcare leader, anyone with a worm in his brain, says they have to ramp out to the bird flu, run that course and kill sensitive chickens. Is this crazy? Or does it make sense?
In the face of that, it makes sense to run the course on the virus and develop innate immunity in chickens, other animals, or humans. The immune system is highly adaptable do When you face an infection, you develop immunity, at least in the end, most of the time. Immunity has two components, and only a portion of our immunity is due to the development of antibodies, which is what the vaccine produces for us. Humoral immunity is not the whole immune story, as humoral immunity is the type of immunity that develops after vaccination, so you might think that vaccination produces slightly weaker immunity than natural infections at the end of the day. perhaps. And although when most of the population is vaccinated, vaccinations work very well to stop spreading most infectious diseases.
During Covid I was very interested in the natural experiments that Sweden had tried. It was to infuriate Covid and protect the elderly (i.e. coco). I was sure we would develop immunity so I thought it might work, and for over 3-5 years this developing immunity will turn covid into a cold.
This is where the difference between amateurs and professionals really matters. What our fearless healthcare leaders are proposing is that if you're only reading about illnesses in the book, it might work. However, Sweden has taught us that our public health sciences and work experience are important.
Forgiving the rage of illness means accepting the death of many people (or at least in the present moment, animals) who might become ill and die if you control an outbreak. It is also true that there is no way to control how a virus evolves when infecting millions of hosts, and sometimes its evolution can make the virus far more deadly over time, increasing the number of diseases and deaths that are far greater than what you originally predicted.
We lost 900,000 people who didn't need to lose because we blow COVID in the US because we couldn't agree on a way to change our behavior to limit spreading disease. (In the United States, freedom suddenly becomes the ability to do whatever we want, not freedom from tyranny, freedom of speech, freedom of worship, freedom of fear.
Not being able to control Covid was fatal, painful and embarrassing. What's worse is that the Swedes also blew Covid away. Their innate immunity experiments failed. They had almost a third of the deaths we had, per person, but 50% more More than some Three times More than other Scandinavian countries.
So, what do I think will happen with the bird flu? If managed well, it's likely that they'll have quite a few infected birds and expensive eggs and chicken wings for a while, but in a year or so things will return to normal and there will be very few infections and deaths in humans. However, if the bird flu gets an egg into a fierce egg for a while, get used to eating gugoros and nachos instead of chicken wings for a few years, and prepare for many human infectious diseases.
Of course, no one knows for sure. But the precautionary principle in public health is that human life is worth protecting and human death should be avoided, so don't do anything until it is found safe. Looking at Sweden throughout Covid, I think it's a bit strange for bird flu to infuriate. We may duck that bullet, but we may not. And I would find it harder to rely on a proven public health approach than rolling the dice with an approach that has not been fully proven and has shown to have failed miserably during the pandemic.
Avian influenza should be controlled using tested and proven public health processes. It's dangerous and crazy to make the bird flu angry.
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