Tuberculosis was once a decline disease, but the revival of cases has confusing health officials

The outbreak of tuberculosis, or tuberculosis — a lung disease that often involves hacking coughing — began in January 2024 in Kansas City, Kansas City and two nearby counties. It continues as of early March 2025. To date, 147 people have been diagnosed with tuberculosis in the outbreak, and 67 have been ill. The remaining 80 people diagnosed with tuberculosis in Kansas were diagnosed with the disease, but did not have any symptoms known as a potential infection.
Tuberculosis is a major cause of death worldwide, Covid-19 in the first three years of the pandemic.
I asked the microbiologist about the conversation. drummer and Marcela Henao Tamayoexplains why this ancient disease appears to be making a comeback at both Colorado State University.
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What is the history of tuberculosis?
Mycobacterium tuberculosis It is a disease-causing organism tuberculosis With humanity. The disease has been infecting humans for thousands of years. Researchers have discovered evidence of the disease 9,000 years ago Meanwhile, at excavated ruins of people living in the Eastern Mediterranean region.
The TB report dates back to around 410-400 BC, when doctor Hippocrates called it the disease phtisis. People with illnesses are weak.
TB was also known as consumption for the same reason. Similarly, it was called white plague or death of white people due to anemia caused by illness, and people looked pale or chalky, almost certainly leading to death. Untreated active tuberculosis, which means symptomatic cases, is extremely fatal.
Approximately half of all people with unprocessed active TB Die from illness,On the other hand, treatment Reduces mortality to 12%.
One of the more colorful phrases explaining tuberculosis isThe King's Evil. “This is a form of tuberculosis that causes swelling and lesions in the neck, a condition known as the Middle Ages. The King's Touch Through miraculous intervention, a person can be cured from this form of tuberculosis.

Tuberculosis infections, usually found in the lungs, have been rising since the Covid-19 pandemic.
Science Photography Library via Kateryna Kon/Getty Images
Finally, tuberculosis was most ominously called “young robbers” due to its historical tendencies It will torment people aged 15-30.
In 1865, Jean Antoine Bilemin, an army doctor in Paris, demonstrated that TB could be transmitted from infected animals to healthy animals through inoculation. Before these studies, the cause of tuberculosis was It is presumed to be primarily constitutionalfrom an inherent predisposition or from an unhealthy or immoral lifestyle.
read more: Can new drugs change the fight against drug-resistant tuberculosis?
The microorganism that causes tuberculosis was ultimately It was discovered in 1882 By Robert Koch, a German doctor. Koch announced his discovery on March 24, 1882. World TB Day.
How does tuberculosis spread?
Tuberculosis is spread by small infectious droplets in the air. Tuberculosis patients have coughs, songs, and Potentially from normal breathing that occurs during sleep or rest.
One form of tuberculosis can be spread Unpasteurized dairy products. Although rare, there have been reports of tuberculosis Transmission via bone graftingreplace damaged bone using healthy donated bone material.

Close-up view of infection caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Science Photography Library via Kateryna Kon/Getty Images
The origin of the Kansas tuberculosis outbreak remains unknown as of early March 2025. The outbreak disproportionately affected people in low-income communities, killing two people.
read more: How Boston stepped up the TB outbreak thanks to bartenders and barbers
Importantly, untreated tuberculosis patients It can infect other 10-15.
Will the Covid-19 pandemic be a factor?
The Covid-19 pandemic has been played A pivotal role in the revival of tuberculosis. case A global increase of 4.6% from 2020 to 2023reverses the steady decline in disease over decades. Tuberculosis cases have risen in the US alone Over 15% from 2022 to 2023.
People were doing so during the mandatory shutdown Medical Center cannot be accessed for Early diagnosis of tuberculosis Or perhaps fill in a prescription for treatment because you are afraid to sign up for Covid-19 while visiting a medical facility. Confusions related to COVID-19-related care As a result, approximately 700,000 people have died from tuberculosis..
Access to healthcare may not be the only factor behind this rise. Lack of healthcare supply and delays in shipping may also play a role. For example, the US experienced it Deficiency of one of the major tuberculosis drugs Between 2021 and 2023.
What are the main treatments?
Currently, multi-drug therapy is the only way to cure tuberculosis and stop its spread.
Before the late 1930s, when the first antibiotics for TB treatment were developed, tuberculosis treatment included blood blood and consumption of cod liver oil. The most popular treatments involved isolated sanatoriums in high altitude areas such as the Adirondacks and Rocky Mountain, where there was cold and dry air. It is believed to be a treatment. Scholars at the time suggested that the potential for treatment was due to the greater number of these circumstances. It exhilarates your body and provides a more comfortable sleep. There is no evidence to support these beliefs.
Streptomycin was the first antibiotic treatment to become available for tuberculosis in the 1940s. However, the microorganisms quickly became drug resistant. A second antibiotic called isoniazid has been developed as a first-line treatment For TB in the 1950s. Again, microorganisms are now drug resistant.
read more: How Dr. Arthur Conan Doyle defeated the case of “treatment” for tuberculosis
Currently, the combination of two- and four-drugs is used to treat both potential infectious diseases and active diseases. Treatment of active tuberculosis requires at least six months of uninterrupted treatment. Treatment confusion leads to further spread of tuberculosis and the emergence of multidrug resistant tuberculosis. 9 months of treatment.
All tuberculosis drugs are toxic. Quality of life for tuberculosis patients Deterioration during treatment And so throughout their lives. Finding symptoms and treating tuberculosis disease early before symptoms begin is important because it reduces spreading of the disease as well as significantly reduces drug toxicity.
What should people know?
People need to note that tuberculosis remains a public health issue around the world. Education regarding the communication, treatment and necessity of active work to eradicate tuberculosis is the best defense.
One reason why education and awareness about tuberculosis is so important is that people with potential tuberculosis may have been suffering from microorganisms for years without knowing. If they are not present, these people are unlikely to seek care; Diagnosed and not treated As with more than half of Kansas patients, unless identified as part of an outbreak.
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