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World TB Day- “Yes! We can finish TB: commit, investment, delivery”

World TB Day- “Yes! We can finish TB: commit, investment, delivery”



Saima Wazed is a regional director in Southeast Asia

The effects of tuberculosis extend beyond health, placing a serious financial burden on affected families. In our Southeast Asia region, 30% to 80% of households affected by tuberculosis experience catastrophic costs. In 2023, our area accounted for more than 45% of people with tuberculosis, accounting for about half of the estimated deaths that year.

Nevertheless, our region has made admirable progress towards the end of TB after the 19th era. In 2023, more than 3.8 million people with new and recurrent instances of TB were notified across the region. We achieved a treatment success rate of 89% among people with new or recurrent cases of tuberculosis who began treatment in 2022. It fell to 22% in 2023 and to 44% in 2020, with nearly 1.5 million people starting tuberculosis prevention treatments.

We are still facing several challenges, reducing resources primarily from our partners and key donors. Several of our countries have deployed new diagnostics and drugs, including new regimens for drug-resistant forms of TB. This is affected by resource reductions.

The future path is clear.

I need it Bigger investment Towards a holistic approach to tuberculosis, it also includes social support for patients.

Working in silos will not end tuberculosis. Therefore, you need to Strengthen and utilize partnerships As well as other UN agencies working with centres and other research institutions in member states, as well as the private sector.

strong South and South collaboration Research and innovation are needed to prevent, detect and treat tuberculosis. Our country has ample expertise and experience in developing new technologies and innovations for people-friendly approaches. This knowledge and experience should be shared and reproduced in other settings to improve access to the benefits of such research and innovation.

Finally, the core strength of our national program is the community we serve. Community Engagement From planning to monitoring TB services, addressing stigma and discrimination, and promoting equity in TB services.

World Tuberculosis Day, marked annually on March 24th, raises awareness of the devastating health, social and economic consequences of TB and strengthens efforts to end the global TB epidemic. The date is the day in 1882, when Dr. Robert Koch discovered the bacteria that cause tuberculosis.

It reaffirms our commitment to supporting all member states in the collective battle against tuberculosis. The theme of World TB in 2025 reminds us.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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