It's Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month: Would you like to try a plant-based diet?

As a doctor in Honolulu, I believe that during every shift in the emergency room, I am affected by poor diet in patients' lives. The food we eat is a blow to our collective health, leading to conditions ranging from obesity and diabetes to heart attacks and strokes caused by atherosclerosis.
In post-study studies, meat, dairy and processed foods combine a diet rich in chronic health issues, and a new study from Wuhan, China, shows excessive processed meat consumption and insufficient fruit and whole grain intake, making it the most important dietary risk factor for gastrointestinal cancer.
Of even more concern is the number of young adults diagnosed. This is a national trend. According to a study published by the National Cancer Institute, adults born around 1990 are twice as likely to have colon cancer and four times as high as rectal cancer compared to those born around 1950, making colorectal cancer the most deadly cancer among men aged 20 to 49.
Here in Hawaii, our overall colorectal cancer rates are higher than in the US as a whole. Colon cancer is the second leading cancer killer here, with 700 men and women diagnosed with it, with 225 nearly dying each year, according to the Hawaiian Ministry of Health.

While these data are discouraged, the news isn't all bad. Risk factors for gastrointestinal cancer can be corrected. A new study from China's Uhan confirms this. You can change the trajectory of numbers starting with what you place on the fork.
This month, Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month, I encourage Hawaiian residents to be screened for colorectal cancer and also spend time pondering their diet. Consider giving up on meat, dairy and processed foods. Instead, it focuses on whole food, a plant-based diet, a powerful tool for disease prevention and management.
According to the World Health Organization, processed meat is a major contributor to colorectal cancer. When only 50 grams (hot dogs or a few bacon) is consumed daily, that risk increases by 18%.
Meanwhile, a plant-based diet provides strong colon cancer prevention. For example, the study, published online at BMC Medicine, showed that men who ate healthy plant-based diets had a lower risk of colorectal cancer.
Processed meat is a major contributor to colorectal cancer.
High-fiber plants foods move quickly through the colon to reduce contact between carcinogens and the digestive tract. Plant foods are also high in phytonutrients and antioxidants.
For those new to plant-based diets, the Responsible Medical Physicians Committee has some tips to get started.
Health advocacy organizations recommend keeping it simple when it comes to transitioning to a vegan diet. Focus on minimally processed plant foods, avoid animal products, limit saturated fats, and minimize the use of edible oils.
We recommend that fellow Hawaiian residents stop eating processed meats such as spam, bacon and hot dogs. Instead, take advantage of many of the tropical fruits available here, including vegetables such as papaya, pineapple, and mangoes, such as sweet potatoes, taro and lush greens.
These foods can make you feel good, protect you from colorectal cancer and other chronic illnesses, and may help you move away from the emergency department where I work.

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