Federal funds for HIV treatment could run out due to Doge Cuts

What I learned about HIV and AIDS 30 years later
When HIV exploded in the 1980s, scientists didn't know what made patients so sick. So, what have scientists grasped since then? I'll explain it.
Key funds that will help reduce HIV spread spread in Austin could be impacted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Department of Health and Human Services Administration as part of a federal government's funding cut.
The Wall Street Journal last week reported that the CDC's HIV prevention and treatment fund, which is roughly $1 billion per year, is one of the cuts being considered by the Department of Health and Human Services.
This year, the kind of clinics that have two Austin clinics, and the type of clinics whose clients are primarily members of the LGBTQ+ community that they don't want to serve were expected to receive $1.3 million in federal funding for HIV prevention services and $800,000 federal grants for HIV treatment services that pass the city of Austin and the Brazzers Valley Council.
Austin and Texas were cities, cities, cities and states that they historically saw when it comes to people with HIV and new HIV disease, said Christopher Hamilton, CEO of Kind Clinic. According to AIDSVU dataTravis County has 7,645 people living with HIV, with a prevalence of 398 cases per 100,000, with a national average of 388 cases per 100,000. The prevalence rate in Texas is 425 cases per 100,000. Additionally, Texas has a 20 new cases rate of 20, compared to the national average of 18, while Travis County has an even higher rate of 21.
“The removal of funds is devastating,” Hamilton said.
US Rep. Lloyd Doggett, D. Austin wrote a letter Wednesday CDC Acting Director Dr. Susan Monares It questioned funding cuts in the middle of the Texas measles outbreak and called for accounting for a lack of reliable scientific information from the federal government on how the CDC handles the outbreak.
At least 750 people from the CDC have been fired by Doge. Information about HIV on the CDC website was removed by the Trump administration and had to be restored by court order.
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Some information about the CDC HIV website contains this disclaimer. “According to the court's order, the HHS must restore this website as of 11:59pm on February 11, 2025 (11:59pm ET). The information on this page is the two genders of two genders responsible for the two genders: redijents edes Es Es Edes Edes Edes eds eds eds execution a decrimpers edement agents aa gender es the recters exeds aa conded ae. Children are therefore denied by promoting chemical and surgical amputations and depriving women of dignity, safety, happiness and opportunity, and therefore the administration and this department refuse to do so.
Accurate information and access to treatment is important for patients, Hamilton said. Austin type clinics had over 10,000 patients last year. Many federal funding allowed clinics to provide HIV testing and counseling, as well as free drug therapy to prevent infection before infection, and drug therapy to prevent infection after a person tests positive for an infection.
“We will definitely work hard to continue our services and fund testing, prevention and treatment,” Hamilton said. “We have a 10-year history of preventing and treating HIV. We don't intend to stop.”
Hamilton said the clinic will continue to rely on funding from multiple sources. It could continue to come from local government entities, but these entities may not have federal money to pass on resources.
Hamilton estimates that one person is taking preventative medication will cost $6,000 a year to prevent infection. For people who are already infected, people who take medications that reduce the risk of giving HIV to others cost between $12,000 and $15,000.
Currently, these types of clinics are not covered by insurance and offer free or minimal cost health care. Some patients are covered by insurance but are not able to afford out-of-pocket or feel comfortable in another clinic, so they are considering purchasing health insurance in the future. To get insurance, you need to hire more people to negotiate with the insurance. Already, there are three people who are only working to get prior approval for the medication it prescribes.
“That's not the best use of funds that are already limited,” Hamilton said.
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