Scientists develop long-term birth control implant injections | Contraception and family planning

Researchers are developing injections that produce contraceptives in the body using an approach that can tell you new ways to deliver drugs over the long term.
Current birth control implants last for years. This means that women do not need to take the pill every day, but the device must be installed by a professional trained through a small surgical procedure. Contraceptive injections are already available, but have restrictions, including that they only last for three months.
Now, scientists say they have completed a proof-of-concept experiment of a new type of long-term implant that self-organizes within the body.
Although not yet tested in humans, the researchers behind the study say this approach could benefit beyond the field of contraception and can provide a simple way to manage long-acting drug delivery systems without the need for invasive procedures.
“It's good for insufficient soluble hydrophobic drugs, especially when long-acting labor is required. This includes treating HIV, tuberculosis, schizophrenia, chronic pain, or metabolic disease.”
This approach involves injecting microcrystals of a synthetic version of the hormone progesterone, found in a solvent that does not mix well with water.
Once inside the body, the solvent exchanges with body fluids. However, microcrystals prefer to aggregate together rather than interact with this water-rich environment. This leads to the development of solid implants that can slowly release drugs over time, along with the formation of further crystals as solvent exchange.
The team that the research was published Nature Chemical Engineering magazinerat approaches were tested to allow improved solvent selection during injection. Drug release in rats lasted for at least 97 days, but Traverso said there could be a longer period of time depending on formulation preparation.
“The dosage and drug doses are compatible with multi-year dosing,” he says, meaning the formation of solid implants can be removed if necessary, and the approach is also compatible with the use of small needles.
However, this study is still in its early stages and the effectiveness of the approach has not yet been tested. “It lays the foundation for future human research that we hope will begin in the next three or five years,” Traverso said.
Dr. Janet Barter, president of the Faculty of Sexual and Reproductive Medicine, said the approach could be an exciting advancement.
“This innovation may have a convenient option for individuals in low-resource settings that may limit access to birth control and healthcare services,” she said. “We welcome further research into the safety, effectiveness and accessibility of this promising technology and encourage the author to work with potential users in the future to ensure that they meet the needs and preferences of those who rely on it.”
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