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All kinds of exercise boost brain power at all ages – news and events

All kinds of exercise boost brain power at all ages – news and events



March 25, 2025

Children and grandpa play basketballWhether it's early morning jogging or tai chi touch, Groundbreaking research from University of South Australia It shows that all forms of exercise can significantly enhance brain function and memory among children, adults, and older adults.

In the largest review of the most comprehensive umbrella to date, the researchers found that regular exercise enhances exercise as an essential and inclusive activity to improve general cognitive, memory, and executive functioning in both healthy individuals and clinical conditions, and to optimize cognitive health.

Combining the findings from 2724 randomized controlled trials and 133 systematic reviews covering 258,279 participants, the systematic umbrella and meta-meta analysis found:

  • Low to medium intensity exercise had the greatest advantages of brain function and memory
  • Children and adolescents demonstrate the greatest improvement in memory; ADHD We saw the greatest benefits of executive function
  • Yoga, Tai Chi, and Exergames (active video games) have produced the most important cognitive benefits.

UNISA Chief Researcher Dr. Benshinfindings provide a comprehensive understanding of how different types, intensity, and duration of exercise affect cognitive function.

“We find that exercise has a big impact on physical health, but also helps brain function. This study shows that even low-intensity exercises such as yoga and walking improve cognition and become accessible to people of all ages and abilities,” says Dr. Singh.

“We've seen benefits come quickly, especially, and we're highlighting that even small bursts of activities can make a big difference, and trying new activities can play an important role in engaging and activating your brain.

“For children and teens, exercise has been particularly beneficial for developing memory, but for people with ADHD, it has helped improve focus, reduce impulsivity and increase executive functioning.

“People and body exercises like Tai Chi and yoga had the biggest impact on memory, but Exceldam – Pokemon GO – It was very effective for general cognition. This is an encouraging finding, as it suggests that attractive and less influential activities can provide true cognitive benefits. ”

Senior researcher, Professor Carol Maher He states that exercise should be encouraged as a cognitive health strategy at all ages and fitness levels.

Cognitive decline and neurodegenerative diseases raise global health concernshighlights the urgent need to identify effective strategies to maintain and strengthen cognitive function throughout lifetime,” says Professor Maher.

“This study presents compelling evidence that exercise should be integrated into healthcare and education settings to promote cognitive well-being.

“Knowing that even small amounts of exercise can improve memory and brain function provides a clear opportunity for exercise to be included in clinical and public health guidelines, especially for high-risk people.”

The University of South Australia and the University of Adelaide are working together to become the new and leading university in Australia, the University of Adelaide. Based on the strengths, heritage and resources of two major universities, the University of Adelaide offers globally relevant research on large, innovative industry-based education, outstanding student experiences. The University of Adelaide will open its doors in January 2026. University of Adelaide Website.


Interview Contact Information: Dr. Benshin E:
Professor Carol Maher e:
Media Contact: Annabelle Mansfield M: +61 479 182 489 E:




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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