“Screen Early”: Bay Area woman with stage 4 colon cancer shares disastrous message of Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month

San Francisco (KGO) – I remember that March is Colon Cancer Awareness Month. We continue to see an astounding incidence rate in people under the age of 50 who are dying from this type of cancer. Currently, it is the largest cause of cancer deaths in men under the age of 50 and the second cause of deaths in women under the age of 50. This is also one of the most preventable cancers, and this is a message Jamie Comer wants to hear.
I met Jamie Kommer, a colon cancer patient, a few years ago. I found she to be reasonable despite her difficult circumstances.
“I had stage 4 colon cancer that metastasised to the liver, with 45 tumors on the left side and 12 tumors on the right side, and I was told I was likely to die within 3-6 months.” 2023 interviews.
In advance about her cancer, she asked to record Zoom's conversation while she was undergoing chemotherapy.
“The total time spent here is 8-11 hours. I'm undergoing chemotherapy every other week for three days,” she informed us from the centre who had received chemotherapy that day.
video: Cancer cancer among young adults ages 20-49: Here's their story
March is National Colon Cancer Awareness Month. Doctors emphasize the importance of screening. This is what you need to know.
A year later, we continued as she showed us her intense regimen to stay above her cancer.
“I had about 180 rounds of chemotherapy and seven surgeries, probably about 60-70 scans,” she revealed.
It was last year and this month we received a call from Jamie saying she was receiving hospice care from her home and she just wanted to talk.
“Am I really fighting hard or just succumbing?” she asked the hospice nurse.
Jamie meets regularly with a nurse who helps her monitor her condition and pain. She's no longer chemotherapy.
“That wasn't a difficult decision. There was no treatment option and chemotherapy made me sick so I couldn't recover,” she explained.
At the age of 47, daily blood tests revealed something was wrong. At the time, the recommended age for colonoscopy was 50.
“Following that, my screening age shifted to 45. If I had been on the screen, I would have probably been inconvenient for 18 months, but that wouldn't have been a death sentence,” she told us.
She believes in screening even faster. This year she was so sick that San Francisco City Hall lightened up blue and confirmed Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month.
“I'm really a sob pain. I keep saying the same thing – screen early, try this for this,” she said.
more: How a new online tool helps people of all ages assess their risk of colon cancer
Jaime admits that her daughter, Olivia and her husband, are people who will not give up on her.
“Who wants to leave, who wants to leave this beautiful world with all this kindness?”
Her choices have always been hers.
“To your life's problems, you are the answer, you are the solution. You have to understand that,” she insisted.
If your family has a history of colon cancer, the recommended age to get screened is 40 years old, or if a member of that family has acquired colon cancer at the age of 40, you should be screened at the age of 30.
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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online
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