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What's going on in measles in and around Philadelphia? |Health Committee

What's going on in measles in and around Philadelphia? |Health Committee



The Philadelphia Department of Public Health works closely with local and state public health agencies and local health systems. A confirmed measles case in the region.

If you were in any of the locations below during the listed times, check for immunity to measles and monitor your symptoms.

When and where was the exposure?

Philadelphia County

  • South Philadelphia Health & Literacy Center
    March 7th, 10:45am – 2:40am PM & March 8th 9:05am – 1:20pm
    1700 South Broad Street, Philadelphia, PA 19145
  • Included Chop Pediatric Primary Care South Philadelphia and Health Bureau's Health Center #2 (No exposure in the library)
  • Chop the emergency department
    March 10th, 7:55am to 10:15am
    3401 Civic Center Boulevard, Philadelphia, PA 19104

What should I do if I'm exposed to measles?

If you have immunity

No action is required. If you meet because your immune system is weak, you are considered immune 1 below:

  • I received it Two MMR vaccines.
  • I have it A blood test that shows immunity to measles.
  • It was Born before 1957.
  • There is a document for Past measles infection.

I just received it One dose of MMR vaccine? You are still protected from measles and usually You don't need to be at home They leave others (also known as quarantine) after exposure. However, it may be necessary Second vaccine dose. cRefer to your healthcare provider or pediatrician as soon as possible to find out more.

If you don't have any immune

Take action immediately, especially if the infant is under one year old, pregnant, or if the immune system is weakened.

  • Call your healthcare provider or pediatrician as soon as possible
  • You may be qualified Post-exposure treatment, Helps to prevent measles.
  • Ask them Please call the health department.
  • Stay home (quarantine) and monitor your symptoms for The 21st After exposure. Avoid contact with others, especially if they are not vaccinated or have weakened immune systems.
  • in South Philadelphia Health & Literacy Center Above March 7th someday 10:45am to 2:40pm? You will be isolated until Thursday, March 28th.
  • in South Philadelphia Health & Literacy Center Above March 8th someday 9:05am – 1:20pm? You will be isolated until Friday, March 29th.
  • in Chop the emergency department on March 10th someday 7:55am to 10:15am and I did not receive the MMR vaccine dose until Thursday, March 13th? You will be isolated until Sunday, March 31st.
  • If you or your child feel sick, especially if they have a fever or rash, call ahead before visiting the clinic or hospital. Measles spreads easily, so special steps may be required to protect others.

If you don't know if you have immunity

  • Ask your healthcare provider or pediatrician to check your vaccine records.
  • Your provider can check your status or order a simple blood test to check your immunity.
  • Also, Tell us if you or your child feel sick, especially if you have a fever or rash.
  • Stay home until you check your status. If you need to be around others, wear a mask Around indoor public spaces and unvaccinated people until they confirm their immunity.

Where to get the free measles vaccine

You can get free MMR vaccine Philadelphia City Health Center, Monday through Friday, 9am to 1pm:

  • Health Center 3 – 555 S. 43rd St. | 215-685-7504
  • Health Center 4 – 4400 Haverford Ave. | 215-685-7601
  • Health Center 5 Supplement – 2001 W. Berkscent | 215-685-2933
  • Matty L. Humphrey Health Center (Health Center 9) – 131 E. Chelten Ave. | 215-685-5701
  • Strawberry Mansion Health Center – 2840 W. Dauphin St. | 215-685-2401

No insurance? no problem. These clinics offer free vaccines to everyone.

Children can also get vaccinated at the pediatrician's office or at the retail pharmacy (please call the pharmacy for age requirements).

Know the symptoms of measles

Symptoms Usually displayed 7-14 days after exposure Development in stages:

Early symptoms

  • High fever
  • cough
  • snot
  • Red, watery eyes

Later symptoms (2-5 days after symptoms start)

  • Small white spots Inside the mouth (coprick spot)
  • Measles rashusually starts as flat spots on the face and spreads the body
  • High fever When a rash appears, the rash increases dramatically

Measles rash on different skin tones

  • On bright skin, the rash may appear red
  • On dark skin, you may look purple or darker than the surrounding skin

What you need to do

  • Check if it is exposed.
  • If you haven't already been vaccinated, get vaccinated.
  • If you are not immune, stay home and call your doctor if you are not exposed.
  • Know your symptoms and act quickly if you feel sick.

Measles is very contagious Completely preventable With vaccination.

Additional resources




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