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Do you have seasonal allergies? 2025 Arizona's Disastrous Prediction

Do you have seasonal allergies? 2025 Arizona's Disastrous Prediction





  • The worst month of allergies in Phoenix is ​​usually from May to May.
  • Common allergy symptoms include sneezing, runny nose, itching and traffic jams. Severe cases can hurt your sleep, work, and mood.
  • Ragweed is a major allergen in Phoenix.

In Metro Phoenix, warm spring weather is always welcome, but it is because we can make the most of our outdoor opportunities ahead of time. Extreme summer heat The fever subsides. It also means that a seasonal allergy may be active.

Matthew Rank, a doctor in allergy immunology at Mayo Clinic in Phoenix, says that the best pollen counter allergen today is lagweed, which is typical of this time of year.

Rugweed is the biggest allergen problem in spring, sometimes falling, but other local allergens include trees such as ash, mulberry, oak and olives, along with a variety of grasses.

Thankfully, there are many options when it comes to preparing for the allergy season. Everything you need to know about seasonal allergies this spring.

Why is my allergy so bad in Arizona now?

The warm climate all year round allows many different plants to grow seasonally.

And as the weather warms up in Metro Phoenix spring, pollen numbers are high and subtle weather can burn seasonal allergies.

What is the worst month of allergies to AZ?

Most allergic patients experience the worst symptoms in the spring and fall, but the reaction continues until January and November. It all depends on the airborne pollen you are sensitive.

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In Phoenix, the highest pollen counts tend to occur in March, April and May.

Which allergens are higher in Phoenix?

Rank suggests checking count stations near Mayo Allergy, Asthma and Clinical Immunology Clinic at Glendale's 20199 N. 75th Avenue.

“The station is run by Dr. Sergei Okkul, a scientist who has counted pollen in Arizona for over five years,” Rank said.

I'm going Please click on Arizona Station. You can view recent days or change the date to look back on the previous day and months.

“The highest allergen in the Phoenix area at our counter is lagweed,” Rank said. “We had a second counter at Phoenix Children's Hospital in downtown Phoenix and learned that the types and levels of allergens are like the Northeast Valley, but not exactly the same.”

Spring includes highly pollinated trees such as ash, mesquite, mulberry, cottonwood, oak, olive, rugweed and various grasses.

In the summer, prolonged grass and weed allergens remain. In autumn there will be another surge in ragweed, along with Russian thistles and grass. In winter, juniper trees can pollinate at cool temperatures.

How long does seasonal allergy last?

Symptoms can last for weeks to months. How long you deal with seasonal allergies depends on the level of sensitivity and which pollen or mold is causing the trouble.

What is the difference between an allergy and a cold?

According to the rank, both environmental allergies and cold-causing viruses cause similar upper respiratory tract symptoms, making it difficult to distinguish between the two.

“Allergies often cause itching in the nose, sneezing, and redness in the eyes. They may have swelling and itching, and sometimes there are patterns,” Rank said. “For example, it can occur predictably around triggers like pollen seasons or animal-like slopes, but viruses can also cause these symptoms.

Each treatment is different, so it is important to get an accurate diagnosis.

What are the symptoms of bad seasonal allergies?

Common symptoms of bad seasonal allergies include sneezing. Runny nose or suffocating nose. Itchy and watery eyes. Itchy sinuses, throat or Eustachian tubes; ear absorption; and after nasal drainage.

Although less common, you may experience headaches, coughing, wheezing, and shortness of breath.

“Environmental allergies can also worsen asthma,” Rank said. “If your asthma symptoms are worsening, environmental allergies may be contributing. Talk to your healthcare team. There are pretty good options for managing asthma.”

What are the benefits of allergies in Arizona?

According to the rank, some behaviors help to reduce or alleviate symptoms, including allergen avoidance. Various medicines, including tablets, nasal sprays, and eye drops. Allergen immunotherapy desensitization.

“Out of control allergies can affect sleep, work, school performance, exercise and mood,” Rank said. “This pain can be avoided.

“I recommend planning your season to meet with your healthcare team. Starting treatment even weeks before the expected allergy season can make a huge difference in the way people feel.”

Recommended seasonal allergy medication?

If your suffocating nose is your cryptonite, finding over-the-counter antihistamines and decontants is your new best friend.

Antihistamines can help relieve the sneezing, itching, and flow nose you are experiencing. Meanwhile, intestinal urination can reduce swelling in the nasal membrane and improve breathing. Saline sprays can also help remove the nose passages of mucus and allergens.

If your home treatment doesn't cut that down, consult your healthcare provider about taking skin and blood tests to find out which allergens are causing the symptoms. Another option is allergen immunotherapy or desensitization. This is an injection containing small amounts of substances, which over time causes allergies that should reduce the immune system's response to these allergens.

Does the weather in Rainier cause more allergic symptoms?

The weather in Rainier allows the plants to grow more and thus release more pollen. In Phoenix, grass pollen is particularly sensitive to precipitation.

However, some people may have fewer allergic symptoms when it rains as a result of the rain driving pollen out of the atmosphere. It is usually a short-lived relief, as the number of pollen is likely to rebound as the plants release more pollen from the rain.

Meredith G. White covers the entertainment, art and culture of the Republic of Arizona. She writes the latest news on video games, television and what to do in Metro Phoenix.




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