If screening can actually prevent cancer | McLaren Healthcare News

Author: Leslie Adallo

Alicia Jeffrey had planned to undergo a colonoscopy at age 45, but life happened and she was not screened until age 47.
“I wanted to be wary because colon cancer is in my family,” Alicia said. “My grandmother had it and survived, so I knew screening was important.”
But that wasn't until after McLaren Flint Gastroenterologist. Dr. Erica Degener Alicia did her colonoscopy, which really made it possible to see what the screening was.
“Dr. Degayner removed four polyps from my colon,” Alicia said. “None of the polyps were cancerous, but if I hadn't removed them, they could have done so over time.”
What makes colonoscopy a really good screening tool is that it not only catches cancer early on, but also allows you to camp and stop before you start.
“Colonoscopy is very sensitive. The average sensitivity for detecting colon cancer is about 95%. For precancerous polyps with sensitivity of 89-95%.” “Screening not only allows real-time visualization of colon polyps, but also allows doctors to remove polyps at the same time.”
Colonoscopy, an outpatient test that requires sedation and is performed at surgical centres, is the gold standard, but those at average risk have other screening options. This includes home coroguards and fit feces tests.
“Cologuard tests stool samples and analyzes them for DNA markers. It detects 92% of colorectal cancer and 42% of precancerous polyps,” says Dr. Degayner. “Female immunohistochemistry (FIT) tests the stool of blood in the stool. It detects 74% of colorectal cancer and 23% of precancerous polyps.”
If the coroguard or FIT test is positive, the patient must still undergo colonoscopy.
“Foot-based testing is not recommended for patients with colon cancer, symptoms, or polyps,” Dr. DeGener said.
American Cancer Society People at average risk for colon cancer recommend starting screening at 45. Colonoscopy screening can start from 40 onwards for people with family history.
For many patients, the most difficult part of getting a colonoscopy is the preparations that are required the day before. Mostly, patients must purge the intestines with a 4 liter drink solution and water or sports drink and clean up for screening.
“Yes, it was a pain, but it was just a nuisance,” Alicia said. “That's not a big deal with the grand scheme of things, it's just 12 hours of inconvenience.”
It was a small price to pay for Alicia. Alicia knows that colorectal cancer has been on the rise over the years.

“Colorectal cancer is no longer a disease in the elderly,” Dr. Degayner said. “Experts don't know what causes colorectal cancer jumps in young adults, but several factors are all linked to the disease, including sedentary lifestyle, overweight and obesity, smoking, heavy alcohol use, low fiber, high fat diet, high diet of processed meat, and other environmental factors.”
Many patients can take 5-10 years between colonoscopy, but Alicia must return in 3 years.
“I'm happy I did it. Knowledge is power and I know what's going on in my body,” Alicia said.
If follow-up with colonoscopy is required, the Karmanos Cancer Institute in McLaren Flint offers comprehensive care, including medical, radiation, surgical oncology, and genetic testing. Visit us for more information about our team and services
Talk to your primary caregiver about setting up your screening. You can also contact Dr. Erica Degener here.
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