New peptide antibiotics stop bacteria by binding where the drug has not previously held

Lariosidin hits drug-resistant bacteria that others fail by hijacking ribosomes at new sites, bypassing defenses and opening the door to new generations of antibiotics.
Lariosidin, a lasso-type peptide with promising antibiotic properties. (Graphics: Dmitrii Travin and Yury Polikanov). the study: A wide range of lassopeptide antibiotics targeting bacterial ribosomes
Researchers at McMaster University have collaborated with researchers at the University of Illinois in Chicago to discover a powerful candidate antibiotic that can kill a wide range of bacteria, including those resistant to existing antibiotics. They published their findings in the journal Nature.
Antibiotic resistance It occurs when bacteria evolve and develop resistance to existing antibiotics. It is a major public health crisis around the world, making it difficult to treat bacterial infections. Antibiotic resistance in 2019 caused more than 4.5 million deaths.
The World Health Organization (WHO) has designated Gram-negative bacteria as a critical threat due to their ability to develop and spread antibiotic resistance, and discovering new antibiotics is a top priority.
It shows that various peptide-based antibiotics produced by microorganisms are high Effectiveness In the treatment of bacterial infections. Most of these antibiotics are produced outside the ribosome, the cellular structure responsible for protein synthesis by specialized peptide synthesis enzymes encoded in the genome of antibiotic-producing microorganisms.
Synthesized in the ribosomal form, post-translational modified peptides are rapidly gaining popularity as a new class of antibiotics. Post-translational modifications set the three-dimensional shape of these peptides, promoting interaction with target proteins, and protecting them from degradation by cell peptidases.
Lassopeptides are biologically active molecules with distinct structurally constrained knotted creases in which ribosoma belong to the class of synthetic and post-translational modified peptides. Lassopeptides act on several bacterial targets. However, none of them have been identified as targeting bacterial ribosomes.
With this Nature Article, Professor Jerry Wright of McMaster University and his team reported the identification of a new lassopeptide named lariosidin, which acts as a wide range of antibiotics by targeting bacterial ribosomes at unique sites.
Importantly, lariosidin not only inhibits protein synthesis by interfering with translocation, but also induces translational errors (missing) and provides a dual mechanism of action.
Researchers note that lariosidin meets three key criteria for next-generation antibiotics. New structures, new binding sites, and different mechanisms of action.
UICs co-express laso-type antibiotics developed by circumventing standard drug resistance
the study
Researchers produced a collection of environmental bacterial strains by culturing them in the laboratory for about a year. Such long-term cultures allow for the growth of the slowest growing bacteria that may otherwise have been overlooked.
They prepared methanol extracts of individual bacterial colonies and tested them against multidrug resistant bacteria. This identified a novel lassopeptide, lariosidin. Paenibacillus.
By conducting a series of biochemical and structural experiments, we discovered that lariosidin can kill a wide range of bacteria, including multidrug-resistant strains, by inhibiting ribosomal protein synthesis.
They also found that lariosidin binds to a unique site in the small ribosomal subunit of bacteria. This is clearly different from the site of action of existing antibiotics targeting small ribosomal subunits. This unique binding site allowed lariosidin to circumvent the defensive mechanisms that bacteria evolved to resist other drugs.
This ribosomal binding mode is primarily dependent on interaction with the RNA backbone rather than the nucleobase, making it less susceptible to resistance from mutations at the binding site.
In laboratory-adapted bacterial strains equipped with a single ribosomal RNA operon, the researchers identified rare spontaneous mutations in 16S RRNA that reduce lariosidin sensitivity.
The team emphasized that the development of antibiotics acting at previously undeveloped ribosomal sites provides a way to bypass common resistance mechanisms.
As the researchers observed, the unique structure of lariosidin has allowed them to overcome the challenges they normally face when targeting bacterial ribosomes. Mechanically, antibiotics enter bacterial cells through transporters to inhibit protein synthesis, particularly ribosomes. However, bacteria can replace or remove these transporters and block antibiotic invasion.
Meanwhile, the strong positive charge of lariosidin allowed it to enter bacterial cells directly through the membrane without the need for transporters. This particular feature has made lariosidin a wide range of antibiotics.
Lariosidin bypasses the need for specific transporters, thus allowing it to enter a wide range of bacterial species, reducing the likelihood that resistance will develop through transporter-related mechanisms.
Use the mouse model of acinetobacter baumannii Infection, researchers have demonstrated that lariosidin can significantly reduce the burden on bacteria in various organs. They further found that peptides are less likely to produce natural resistance and have no cytotoxic effects on human cells.
Its antibacterial activity was even stronger in nutrient restricted media that mimics the host environment, improving clinical potential compared to standard susceptibility tests of rich media.
This enhanced potency is in part related to the presence of bicarbonates, increasing the bacterial membrane potential and promoting the uptake of positively charged lariosidin.
All of these features have made lariosidin a promising candidate for further development into clinical antibiotics for the treatment of severe bacterial multidrug-resistant infections.
This study also identified a structurally related isoform, lariosidin B (LAR-B). This contained additional isopeptide bonds and formed a bilayer structure. This could improve the stability of molecules and mark LAR-B as founders of the proposed new class of lassopeptides (Class V).
By conducting bioinformatic analysis of available bacterial genomes, the researchers suggested that other ribosome-targeted lassopeptides could still be discovered in nature.
They identified dozens of lariosidin-like biosynthetic gene clusters (BGCs) across multiple bacterial phylums, including actinomycetota, blue bacilliota, and proteobacteria, suggesting a broad evolutionary distribution of this antibiotic scaffold.
Researchers describe lariosidin as the first member of the previously unrecognized ribosomal target lassopeptide, and it is possible that a more potent analogue could be discovered.
Researchers are currently working on developing strategies to modify lassopeptides and generate them in large quantities for clinical development.
Journal Reference:
- Jangra, M., DY, Aleksandrova, Ev, M., M., M., Darwinish, L., Koteva, K., Klepacki, D., Wang, W., Tiffany, M., Sokaribo, A. , Coombus, BK, Polikanv, YS, Sigh, As, GD (202, Gdget, Gd (202, Gdget, Gd (202, Gdget, Gd (202, Gdget, Gd)) Lassopeptide targeting the bacteria lyriosome, 1-9 DOI: 10.1038/S41586-025-08723-7
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