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DNR warns the surge in dead birds at South Haven Beach

DNR warns the surge in dead birds at South Haven Beach



South Haven residents have expressed concern after discovering numerous dead birds along the coastline, prompting fears of potential avian flu.

South Haven resident Kitty Girard told News Channel 3 that she and her husband Larry have woken up and found the body of a bird spreading across the beach outside a North Beach condo and said, “Is this the bird flu?”

A study in the area revealed more than 100 dead birds. This is a figure confirmed by the DNR, with current estimates showing that at least 130 birds are affected.

Beach fans are being urged by the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) and the city of South Haven to avoid birds as much as possible.

The Michigan DNR states that the affected species include long-tailed ducks, muddy ducks and ambiguous Melgansars, which are well adapted to the conditions of Lake Michigan storms. For this reason, they said it is considered to be caused by a highly pathogenic avian flu.

“In terms of what we're seeing here and other potential specimens we've finished, we're only focusing on how the truly highly pathogenic avian flu has affected those wild birds,” Rachel Lincoln said in the DNR's Wildlife Division.

The DNR said samples were collected and sent to Michigan State University Veterinary Diagnostic Lab for testing, but a national outbreak backlog could delay results.

Fresh corpses can carry disease, but decomposition reduces the risk of virus transmission, so urban and DNR says it's best practice to break down naturally in remote areas that “substantially pose no risk.”

According to the DNR, if disposal is required, it is important to completely cover the skin, such as wearing a mask. Next, wash your clothes with hot water, dispose of items that have come into contact with the corpse, and disinfect the skin.

The city of South Haven said staff are continuing to monitor and settle public beaches, but private property owners are responsible for their own cleaning.

The DNR said that if you observe six or more dead birds in one area, you should report it.Field eyes“Platform.

Human health and safety concerns should be forwarded to the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services at 517-335-8165.

If avian flu is suspected in a domestic flock, please contact the Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (MDARD) immediately at 800-292-3939 (daytime) or 517-373-0440 (out of business hours).




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