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Latest: Coronavirus blames Japanese economy


TOKYO—The Japanese economy shrank at an annual record of 27.8% from April to June, the worst record contraction, as coronavirus pandemics plunged consumption and trade, according to government data released Monday. ..

The Cabinet Office reported that Japan’s preliminary seasonally adjusted real gross domestic product (GDP, total national goods and services) was down 7.8% sequentially.

The annual rate indicates the number of cases for which one year has continued.

Japanese media reported that the latest drop was the worst since World War II. But the Cabinet Office said comparable records began in 1980. The previous worst contraction was during the 2009 global financial crisis.

The world’s third largest economy was already in trouble by the time the virus broke out late last year. Since then, both in the case of COVID-19 and in the limitation of social distance, fallout has become progressively worse.


Here’s what you need to know about virus outbreaks:

— First Mediterranean Cruise departs After virus test.

— High school faces Hard choices for football season..

— Coronavirus doesn’t seem catastrophic Homeless I was afraid at first.

-Worker Return to office in a few months There are many changes, such as masks, staggered shifts, spaced desks, and daily health questions.

AP photo: Mask holds the image of the protest in the pandemic, Hong Kong.


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What else is happening:

Seoul, South Korea-Church reports 197 newly identified cases of coronavirus, scrambled by health workers to delay spread in the metropolitan area, where the church is emerging as a major source of infection I am. ..

The figures released Monday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in South Korea brought the total number of cases, including 305 deaths, to 15,515. The country reported 279 new COVID-19 cases on Sunday, the biggest single-day jump since early May as government officials expressed concern about a large outbreak in the populated Seoul metropolitan area. ..


Wellington, New Zealand — On Monday, Prime Minister Jacinda Adern chose to postpone New Zealand’s national elections for four weeks to address the new coronavirus outbreak in New Zealand, where its largest city is Auckland. The election was scheduled for September 19th but will take place on October 17th. New Zealand law allowed Adern to postpone the election for up to two months. Opposition parties were demanding delays after a virus outbreak in Auckland last week put the government in a two-week blockade and abandoning the campaign. Mr Ardern said he would not think of postponing the election again, no matter what happened to the virus outbreak. According to polls, the Free Labor Party in Adern is supported by the second prime minister.

MELBOURNE, AUSTRALIA: Victoria, which suffered Australia’s devastating Monday, recorded the worst day of a pandemic with 25 coronavirus deaths.

Deaths have exceeded the record of the last 24 hours of the last 21 hours set last Wednesday.

The Victorian Department of Health has recorded 282 new cases, with slightly more than 279 new infections posted on Sunday, but it remains on a declining trend last week.

Victoria recorded 725 new COVID-19 cases on August 5, 1st.


Beirut-Lebanon continued to work after the August 4 blast killed 180 people and injured thousands, with 490 people infected each day and 6 dead each day, a record number of coronaviruses. The infection was recorded.

The new infections bring the total number of infected people in just over 5 million small countries, with 880,000 reportedly infected. COVID-19 killed 103 people.

The explosion at the port of Beirut began when thousands of tons of ammonium nitrate were ignited, injuring about 6,000 people and causing extensive damage to the entire city. The number of daily coronavirus cases is already increasing, and the explosion has made it more difficult for many to move away from their social distance.

The health sector of Lebanon has been challenged by a pandemic that arose during the escalating economic crisis. The blast that struck the center of Beirut destroyed at least three hospitals in the capital, significantly increasing the pressure on those that are still in operation.


ROME — Holidaymakers arriving in Rome from four Mediterranean countries line up with suitcases at Leonardo da Vinci Airport and will be immediately tested for the new coronavirus on Sunday.

Last week, the Italian Minister of Health issued an ordinance requesting a test for all travelers arriving in Italy from Croatia, Greece, Malta or Spain.

Travelers have the option instead to be screened within 48 hours of arriving at a local public health center near their home or destination in Italy.

International holidaymakers have fueled an increase in new coronavirus infections in Italy over the last few weeks. On Saturday, the daily case load of new infections exceeded 600 for the first time since May.

Alessio Damato, director of health in Lazio, a region that includes Rome, said at the airport that concerns over the increase in infectious diseases have risen, especially since Italian schools reopened on September 14 for the first time since the pandemic began. Said.


BOLIVIA’S LA PAZ — Bolivian former Evo Morales’ 70-year-old sister Esther Morales died at COVID-19, a former leader said Sunday.

“She was like my mother,” Morales tweeted. Morales was forced to resign last year after the tort election.

Morales in Argentina is accused of sedation and other crimes when he returns to Bolivia. He accused of “racism and political persecution” that prevented him from visiting his sister at a hospital in Oruro, southeast of La Paz.

In the past two weeks, Morales supporters have nationwide blockade to protest the postponement of elections as Boravia suffers from a coronavirus pandemic.

Doctors warned that oxygen and other medical supplies could not reach some hospitals in a protest, but police said most roads were closed on Saturday.


BRAZILIA, BRAZIL — Michel Borsonaro, wife of Brazilian President Jail Borsonaro, said she tested for the new coronavirus negative following Sunday’s July 30 announcement when she announced she was positive. ..

“Negative test. 38-year-old Michelle Bolsonaro said on Instagram: She published an image of her lab test. I read it as “not detected.”

On Wednesday, Michelle Bolsonaro’s grandmother died at COVID-19.

The youngest of Bolsonaro, 22-year-old Jair Renan, has also been tested positive for the virus. On Saturday he released a video of the drug he says he is hydroxychloroquine. The drug has not been proven effective against the new coronavirus, but has been widely announced by the President of Brazil as a treatment for COVID-19.

President Bolsonaro said he had been positive for the coronavirus on July 7, had mild symptoms and was not infected by the virus in late July. He downplays the devastating effects of COVID-19, often appearing to the public without a mask and approaching supporters, despite social distance recommendations.


Berlin-Bavarian authorities said on Sunday that 46 of more than 900 people who were newly diagnosed with a new coronavirus but had no results when they arrived in Germany could not be reached.

The state of Southern Germany last week admitted that tens of thousands of travelers returning home had to wait a few weeks before receiving test results-some of which were positive but lacked So there are over 900 people who didn’t notice.

There was a turmoil in Germany over fears that the collapse of bureaucrats could leave a positive but unaware person the chance of transmitting the virus to others.

The Bavarian government is unwilling to see long delays in getting results, software problems and testing at a newly established test center, mainly at a highway rest area near the southern border of the country. Said to be related to people.

On Saturday, Rhineland-Palatinate officials said there was a delay in informing people of the test results in the southwestern states. However, the German news agency, dpa, reported that at least the authorities were able to immediately contact all those who had a positive reaction.


Paris-France has sought to use wider masks and tighter protection for migrant workers and slaughterhouses after the virus’s highest daily increase since May.

But France is still planning to reopen schools nationwide in two weeks, and the Labor Minister says the government is determined to avoid a new national blockade that further disrupts the economy and threatens employment. ..

The number of infections in France has risen again in recent weeks, with some criticisms of people crossing the country for weddings, family gatherings, or every summer vacation with friends. The UK imposed quarantine measures on Saturday for vacationers returning from France on Saturday.

France reported 3310 new infections a day on Saturday, with an increasing proportion of positive tests, now at 2.6%. Over the course of two months, the daily number of cases fell to hundreds, but began to increase again in July. Overall, France reports more than 30,400 virus-related deaths among the highest tolls in the world.

Labor minister Elizabeth Borne said in an interview in the Journal du Dimanche newspaper published Sunday that the government would like to increase the use of masks in the workplace.

“Any sacrifice we must avoid new imprisonment,” she said.

Copyright 2020 Associated Press. all rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed without permission.


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