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Coronavirus Residence Information: New Zealand postpones elections, Italy closes nightclub


8:49 pm EDT20:49

We expect two press conferences in Australia (from Victoria and NSW) in about 10 minutes. I will do my best to wrap everything.

8:29 pm EDT20:29

In India, there is an increasing risk of an “invisible catastrophe” occurring in rural areas of the country.

About 600 million Indians live in rural areas, and the National Family Health Survey-4 data show that only about 25% of public outpatient care is available.

Approximately 70% of India’s elderly population living in the village is also a serious concern. Due to the distant health services, there are many comorbidities and are often left untreated.

Covid-19 patient, shopkeeper Parsada Sah, 67, lies in a hospital bed, and his wife, Vimla Devi, 62, sits next to him in an emergency ward in Bargarpur, Bihar, India. Photo: Sidiki/Reuters from Denmark

In one of India’s poorest regions, eastern Bihar, a third of the population live below the poverty line, with 90% of the population living in villages. According to the 2019 National Health Profile, there is only one bed and less than 4 doctors per 10,000. In the best of times, it’s hard to deal with outbreaks of viral and dengue fever.

Our full feature on the crisis facing rural India can be read from Guardian’s Amrit Dhillon below.

Has been updated
8:34 pm (EDT)

8:13 pm EDT20:13

France reports 3,000 cases on day two run

French Ministry of Health On Sunday, 3,015 new coronavirus infections were reported in the last 24 hours. This is the second consecutive day with more than 3,000 new cases.

However, Sunday’s counts were below the 3,310 highs marked after the lockdown reported on Saturday.

It leads the authorities in two of the country’s largest cities, Paris and Marseille, to expand the zone where it is mandatory to wear masks outdoors, while the government wears masks in shared indoor workspaces. I suggest you do.

Pedestrians wearing protective masks are walking along the Seine River in Paris, as they are strengthening their wear as part of a strategy to prevent the recurrence of the French coronavirus.

Pedestrians wearing protective masks are walking along the Seine River in Paris, as they are strengthening their wear as part of a strategy to prevent the recurrence of the French coronavirus. Photo: Charles Platiau / Reuters

With the resurrection, Britain has also imposed quarantine restrictions on people returning from France. They came into effect on Saturday at 4 am.

The number of coronavirus clusters being investigated in France has increased to 263, the ministry said in a website update.

According to the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, the number of hospitalized patients increased slightly to 4,860, but the number of patients in the intensive care unit remained flat at 376 from the previous day.

The cumulative death toll at French hospitals and nursing homes increased by 1 in 30,410, it said.

7.54pm EDT19:54

Australia has recorded the worst day of a pandemic to date, killing 25 people in southern Victoria. The state government also said there were 282 new cases of the virus that appeared to show a bend in the infection curve, following the enforcement of a strict Level 4 blockade in the state capital, Melbourne.


# Covid19VicData on August 17, 2020.
282 cases of #coronavirus (#COVID19) have been detected in the last 24 hours in Victoria. Sadly, 25 deaths were reported. I would like sympathy.
Details will be provided this afternoon.

August 16, 2020

These new numbers mean that over 400 Australians died during the pandemic.

Concerns over the mental health of Victorian people have risen during this outbreak. The Australian Associated Press reports:

The Melvanians have been under severe blockade for several weeks, with restrictions on the Victorian community.

Over the past six weeks, children and adolescents in Victoria have been hospitalized for self-harm by 33% compared to the previous year.

Over the past month, the use of Beyond Blue services during the Victorian era was 90% higher than in other regions.

Victorians used 22% more lifelines than any other Australian, and had more calls to the kids helpline than elsewhere in the country.

The Australian Prime Minister’s office said it will create 15 mental health clinics across Victoria and will add $31.9 million to further strengthen essential support during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Today we are planning a live update from the Victorian premiere.

Has been updated
7:05 pm EDT

7:43 pm EDT19:43

Italy closed nightclub for 3 weeks

Italy The disco and clubs are closed, and some areas require masks to be worn outdoors between 6 PM and 6 AM.

This is the first reintroduction of regulation as the number of cases increases, especially among young people. Cases have doubled in 3 weeks, and the median age of affected patients is now less than 40 years.

The new rule is Start on monday – Two days after the Italian holiday, many young Italians go out to dance – and run until early September. A mask is required between 6 pm and 6 am, close to bars and pubs and where there is a high chance of gathering.

“The sacrifices that have taken place in the last few months cannot be reversed. Health Minister Robert Speranza said on Facebook.

Saturday’s Speranza urged young people to be as careful as possible, “if they infect their parents and grandparents, they risk real harm.”

On Sunday, the country identified 479 new cases, down from 629 on Saturday.

The test of vacationers landing at the airport in Rome began on Sunday after the government said Wednesday that people traveling from Croatia, Greece, Malta and Spain had to be screened for viruses.

In July, an employee checks your body temperature at the entrance to the famous

In July, an employee checks your body temperature at the entrance to the famous “Old Fashion” restaurant and nightclub in Milan, northern Italy. Photo: Andrea Fasani / EPA

Has been updated
7:44 pm EDT

7:32 pm EDT19:32

New Zealand delays elections

new Zealand’The Prime Minister continues to follow the slogan “work hard” in order to prevent the outbreak of community-borne coronaviruses that continue to expand in the country. Currently, it has reached 49. It’s been less than a week since the Auckland cluster was discovered, Jacinda Adern We postponed the national elections from September 19th to October 17th.

Mr Ardern said the biggest risk to overcome is to ensure that 25,000 election workers are well protected when they get down to work.

She said she had taken into account voter participation, fairness and certainty in her decision. She also said the date wouldn’t move again.

“Covid has been with us for some time. Continuing to push the elections does not reduce the risk of confusion. Therefore, the Election Commission has held country level 2 and some level 3 elections. I planned the possibility to do that,” she said.

“I have no plans to change from this point on.”

A local poll released on Monday suggested that 60% of New Zealanders did not think the first September date should remain the same

Parliament will be dissolved on September 6.

As of Sunday, there were 69 active Covid-19 cases in New Zealand, including 49 from communities associated with or likely to be clustered in Auckland.

Jacinda Adern postponed the New Zealand election until October 17.

Jacinda Adern postponed the New Zealand election until October 17. Photo: Marty Melville/AFP/Getty Images

Has been updated
7:33 pm (EDT)

7:07 pm EDT19:07

Hello. Welcome to live with me, Guardian’s Global Coronavirus Pandemic, with me and Allison Rourke.

Last 30 minutes new ZealandChancellor Jacinda Adern postponed the country’s elections due to a new outbreak of the coronavirus scheduled for September 19. The election will now take place on October 17th. New Zealand has been in the community for over 100 days with no single Covid-19 transmissions, with four new cases confirmed in Auckland. Currently, there are 49 community infection cases in Japan.

In other coronavirus developments:

  • Italy closed its nightclub for three weeks starting Monday. He also said that face masks are required to be worn in public areas where groups are formed from 6 pm to 6 am.
  • Australia recorded the worst day of a pandemic, killing 25 people. The country’s second-largest city, Melbourne, is fighting an outbreak. In addition, 282 new cases have been reported in Victoria over the last 24 hours, and it appears that the curve has been bent as a result of reintroduction of lockdown protection.
  • UK recorded 1,000 new cases of Covid-19 in 24 hours On Sunday morning. This brings the total number of confirmed cases to approximately 320,000. The British media have just reported that localized coronavirus restrictions could be lifted this week in some parts of North England. Approximately 4.5 million people in Greater Manchester, East Lancashire and West Yorkshire received the new blockade more than two weeks ago.
  • France said 236 coronavirus-infected clusters were being investigated on Sunday, Because the daily number of newly confirmed cases increased by more than 3,000 for two consecutive days.
  • Brazil on Sunday reported 23,101 new coronavirus infections, Overall, there are 3,340,197 plus 620 new deaths.
  • Israel will relax some social distance restrictions from Monday, Up to 20 people can gather indoors and up to 30 people in open spaces. It also relaxes quarantine rules for workers in some countries.
  • Irish Health Directors meet Monday to determine if further restrictions are needed To delay the sharp increase in the spread of coronaviruses, which governments and authorities say are deeply concerned.

Has been updated
7:10 pm EDT

What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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