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NSW records 7 COVID-19 cases, DFO Homebush, Woolworths North Strathfield warned


Another case worked in the Parramatta District Court. This person last attended the Parramatta District Court on Wednesday, August 12, with positive results on Saturday. As a precautionary measure, court cleaning took place on Sunday. All close contacts have been identified and contacted.

In addition to issuing health alerts to those attending the Parramatta District Court between Tuesday 8th August and Wednesday 12th August between 8:30am and 12:30pm, Dr. Chant said Woolworth Metro North Strath We also issued health alerts to the field (people who attend Saturday 8th August) from 12:50pm to 1:15pm and DFO Homebush (Saturday 8th August from 10:45am to 12:00pm) Until).

Anyone who visits the venue at these dates and times is considered to be accidental contact and should be monitored for symptoms and immediately inspected and quarantined if symptoms occur, but this is mild.

“People tend to think their illness is flu. They say, “Oh, okay, I have flu-like symptoms. I need to have the flu. COVID test required No,” said Dr. Chant.

“At the moment, the circulation rate of influenza is very low, so if you have respiratory symptoms such as cough, fever, sore throat, runny nose, headache, and pain, you have a COVID and are likely not flu. “Dr. Chant said.

She said it is imperative that symptomatic people come positively for testing, especially in western and southwest Sydney where there is evidence of undiscovered spread in the community.

Dr. Kelley Chant, NSW Chief Medical Officer, updating COVID-19 on Monday.

Dr. Kelley Chant, Chief Medical Officer of NSW, updating COVID-19 on Brickwood

Prime Minister Gladys Vegekrian said the mysterious event-COVID-positive people with no known confirmed associations with previously confirmed cases or groups-is very concerned.

“I’m happy that the number of cases is declining, but it’s the same because weekly cases of unknown origin are accumulated, albeit a little less anxious,” said Ms. Vegeklian.


“Looking back on Melbourne, that’s a big concern. It didn’t get worse because there were so many cases in Melbourne,” she said. “They had undetected community transmissions, but it unknowingly reached the stage where it formed several different clusters. I absolutely don’t want that to happen here in New South Wales.” she said.

NSW Health found one or two cases of unknown origin every day for several weeks.

During the reporting period, 10,806 tests were run.

Dr Chant said the state’s purpose is to eliminate infections in the community.

“A low contagious level of complaining about the virus poses a tremendous risk,” Dr. Chant said.

“We can never return to normal until we have a vaccine or an effective cure…New Zealand is highlighting the case,” she said, with an eradication strategy and weeks of New Zealand. Nonetheless, none of the reported cases mentions virus revival.

On Monday, NSW Health was treating 117 cases of COVID-19, with 7 receiving intensive care and 5 being ventilated.

89% of the cases treated by NSW Health are non-acute, out-of-hospital treatment.

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