Cleveland doctors and experts say Russia’s vaccine surge poses a risk to the country’s population
Cleveland, Ohio-Russian President Vladimir Putin approved the COVID-19 vaccine called Sputnik V on August 11, but the vaccine’s testing is incomplete and state doctors and experts are skeptical. I’m worried if it’s safe. Works.
According to the report from Washington Post, Russian authorities plan to administer this potential vaccine to “millions of people this summer and fall.”
The Russian vaccine has only passed Phase 1 and Phase 2 trials, and Phase 3 is not yet complete. The third phase is where thousands of people are tested and researched to determine the advantages and disadvantages of drugs and is an important step in vaccine development.
Dr. Elisade and other doctors who work in the department of infectious diseases in university hospitals do not know much about vaccines because Russia does not publish information or data on them. Putin claimed earlier in the week that he knew the vaccine “Very effective” After receiving it, one of his daughters felt better.
Saade said doctors were wary that the Russian vaccine could have side effects. Antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE), along with other types of coronaviruses, is present in older respiratory viral vaccines such as Zika, Dengue, and RSV.
ADE happens when someone is exposed to illness, Third said. This side effect can occur naturally or if someone vaccinates and is exposed to the actual virus. When someone is exposed, they may develop immunity, which may not be protective. And when they get infected with the same or similar viruses again, they start to show more serious reactions.
Saade said ADE may be a side effect of the Russian vaccine, but he and other doctors certainly don’t know.
Third said he did not recommend vaccination. according to CNN reportRussian officials said at least 20 countries and some US companies are interested in vaccines.
“I personally don’t accept that,” said Third “I mean everyone could decide on the types of risks they can tolerate.”
Sade said he would give the vaccine within the scope of controlled research, not on the basis of information from Russian vaccines. Two vaccine trials have begun at the university hospital, but Saade is not an investigator and cannot participate in the trial.
Wearing a mask and social separation are two effective ways to slow the spread of COVID-19. Effective and thoroughly studied vaccination still avoids scientists, but Saade has no way to determine if there is a greater risk of vaccination with an incomplete vaccine like Sputnik-V I said.
“We don’t know, we don’t know that,” said Third. “I don’t know for sure. It would be hard to know without a way or without comparison. Give it to millions of people and one or two of them will have these Or, if 10 or 1000 people have a problem or complication, it’s complicated by the vaccine, or because they can’t be compared to others by us.”
In a Phase 3 trial, Third said he had more control. For example, doctors can give 15,000 people the vaccine and the remaining 15,000 people with placebo to more reliably investigate whether the vaccine is effective or has serious side effects.
For now, doctors say that when it comes to going to public places, it is important to focus on ensuring that people live safely and take appropriate precautions. “People need to live their lives as if the vaccine never came,” said Dr. Amy Edwards, a pediatric infectious disease doctor at a university hospital.
Edwards said rushing for a potential vaccine could be risky and a safe and effective vaccine may not surface.
“People need to understand that waiting for the vaccine to save us is not realistic,” Edwards said.
Catherine Van Tassel is a visiting professor at Case Western Reserve University where she studies the intersection of law and public health and the law of food and drugs. She mentioned a rush national vaccine program developed during the 1976 swine flu outbreak. According to CDCThe National Influenza Vaccination Program (NIIP) led the implementation of the program, vaccinating 45 million people in 10 weeks.
Van Tassel said about 450 people have signed Guillain-Bear syndromeAccording to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders, it is a rare neurological disorder in which the body’s immune system mistakenly attacks parts of the peripheral nervous system. People with this disorder experienced weakness and paralysis.
CDC suspended the program after the side effects surfaced and did not resume the program. This is why the third stage of medical testing is so important. Vaccines can contact a variety of people and see how their bodies and the unique immune system react.
If Sputnik-V adversely affects people, it may discourage future vaccine use from undergoing more traditional investigations.
“In that particular case, there were some pretty serious side effects,” said Fantassel. “And only 450 out of 400 million got it, but the public trust was lost. People still remember this. And we want it. What we are doing is what we are doing, ask people to trust the government and sacrifice for the benefit of all of us, and make healthy people. Because there is.
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