According to the COVID-19 virus, USDA, found in minks of two Utah farms
SALT LAKE CITY — The virus that causes COVID-19 was found in mink on two farms in Utah. The first confirmed case in the United States was this type of virus.
The virus was discovered in five animals after being tested at the Washington State University in Utah for a recently affected mink. Dr. Dean Taylor, a veterinarian at the Utah Department of Agriculture and Food, said the mortality of mink populations on both farms had “significantly increased.” The dead urged authorities to test for SARS-CoV-2, a virus that causes COVID-19 in humans.
Taylor declined to mention which two farms were affected or the general area of the state where the farms were located. He said Utah is one of the largest mink producers in the country, and both are one of Utah’s larger mink farms.
“We are in touch with the industry and working with them to develop best practices to help them avoid this,” he said. “We know this is one of the more susceptible species, so I think they will take this seriously and place what they need to put on their farms. I will.”
The findings are being added to a growing list of species with positive SARS-CoV-2 virus positive results since April. Other species include cats, dogs, tigers, lions, According to the US Department of Agriculture..
Mint of Mustelidae, which resembles otters and ferrets, has been diagnosed as virus-positive in the Netherlands, Spain and Denmark, and there are some deadly cases in these areas, the USDA notes.
Although Utah may have been the first to test positive for mink in the United States, it is not the first animal to test positive for SAR-CoV-2 in the state. Authorities reported at least four cats and two dogs were virus positive on 22 July. It’s still unclear how the mink on a Utah farm got the virus. Taylor did not specify the number of minks who died or the rate of increase in mortality as a percentage, but said it was sufficient to raise suspicion.
The findings are what Taylor said should be of particular interest to farmers. That said, it shouldn’t completely change the industry.
“I don’t think it’s because we’re changing the programs we already have,” Taylor said. “Most of these farms have good biosecurity and I don’t think we need to worry unreasonably, but obviously we all need to take it seriously.”
In a statement, people in contact with minks at the Department of Agriculture tested positive for COVID-19, but there are no signs of mink-to-human transmission of the virus, USDA officials said.
In fact, US Department of Agriculture officials said there is little evidence that either animals infected in Utah or the United States “play a key role” in transmitting humans to the virus. There are no recorded cases of animal-to-human transmission, Taylor said, and more research is needed to understand exactly which animals get the virus and how it spreads across species. Stated.
Disease Control and Prevention Center was added Other species that are considered vulnerable to the virus include primates, ferrets, and golden syrian hamsters. Studies have shown that mice, pigs, chickens and ducks were among the species that did not appear to be infected with the virus.
The CDC said there was no evidence that the virus spreads through the skin, fur, or animal hair. However, animals such as dogs and cats tested positive for the virus, so Including pets that have died since the contract, The agency has guidelines on how to handle pets if you or someone in your household is COVID-19 positive.
The recommendations for pets in COVID-19 are:
- Treat your pet like any other family member or person. In other words, keep your pet away from sick people and keep your pet from interacting with people outside your home while you are out.
- Keep pets indoors as much as possible and keep them from moving around freely. Chain your dog and keep it at least 6 feet from others. This is the same as encouraging people to become socially separated from each other when they are outside their home.
- Do not bring pets to public places where large numbers of people gather.
- Unlike most humans, do not put a mask on your pet, as they can harm your pet. Also, do not wipe or soak your pet with chemical disinfectants, alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, or other products not approved by animals.
The CDC also recommends that pet owners contact their veterinarian if their pet becomes ill. More information on how to handle pets during a pandemic Can be found on the CDC website..
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