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WHO warns that Covid-19 is run by young people who do not know they are infected


People will have a party on the rooftop of Kips Bay while the city resumes Phase 4 following the restrictions imposed to delay the spread of the coronavirus in New York City on August 1, 2020.

Nomugarai | Getty Images

World Health Organization warned on Tuesday Coronavirus Pandemics are currently run by people in their 20s, 30s, and 40s who do not know they are infected.

Dr. Takeshi Kasai, WHO Director of the Western Pacific Region, said most adolescents had no or mild symptoms during the news briefing. “This creates the most vulnerable risk of transmission. Elderly, sick, long-term caregivers, people living in densely populated urban areas,” and rural areas with limited health care.

World leaders and people need to “double their efforts” to prevent the virus from moving to vulnerable communities, Kasai said. “Many countries in the region have already adopted new tactics to help show how they can minimize the social and economic impacts of Covid-19 and address them in the near future,” he said. It is encouraged to see.”

Scientists are still learning why the disease becomes severe in some people and not in others, like some young people.

of Coronavirus According to data compiled by Johns Hopkins University, about 22 million people worldwide were infected and at least 774,600 died as of Tuesday. Early this month, WHO published analysis It was found that between February 24 and July 12 6 million people were infected, increasing the proportion of people aged 15 to 24 from 4.5% to 15%.

In the United States, state health officials say more young people are ignoring social distance measures and getting a higher proportion of the virus. Vice President Mike Pence warned in June that about half of the new lawsuits in the United States at that time were among people under the age of 35, especially in Florida and Texas.

Dr. Anthony Fauci, a national infectious disease specialist, says doctors are experiencing “more and more” complications from Covid-19 in their youth. He urged young Americans not to take the coronavirus lightly, saying that doing so could spread the pandemic.

“Not only do you need to take responsibility for yourself, but your social responsibility for getting infected is not just widespread.” CEO Mark Zuckerberg in an interview on the 16th.

Forch also said he has never seen a single virus exhibit such widespread symptoms.

Some people have no symptoms, some people have mild symptoms, some people just have to stay at home for a few days. Some people have been sleeping for a few weeks and have symptoms after recovery, going to the hospital, Some people need oxygen, some require intensive care, and some are intubated and die.”

Despite the large number of cases in the United States and other parts of the world, WHO still has the potential to control the virus.

WHO recommends wearing a mask as a way to slow the spread of the virus. It is also advisable to wash your hands regularly, stay away from others and avoid going to crowded areas. According to the WHO, if you have a fever, cough, or breathing difficulty, see a doctor. However, if possible, please call in advance and follow the instructions of your local health authority.


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