The first microplastic discovered in human organs
The satellite data released by the Brazilian National Institute for Space Studies (INPE) on August 1 Over 6,800 fires across the Amazon region in JulyThat’s a 28% increase compared to last year. And it’s still early-August is generally considered the beginning of the fire season, which hits the drier months. According to INPE, more than 10,000 fires were recorded during the first 10 days of the month, an increase of 17% over the same period last year. p>
Deforestation damage to the world’s largest rainforest last year — 60% of it in Brazil — about 10,000 square kilometers (3,800 square miles), about the size of Lebanon. According to INPE, it is the highest level since 2008. Many of the last year’s devastating rainforests have spread from illegally mined, farmed and slaughtered land, increasing the risk of forest fires with increasing deforestation. p>
Degradation under the canopy
President Jia Avolsonaro-repeatedly demanding further expansion of the Amazon region for economic development-protested recent fire data to other South American leaders in a speech on August 11. .. p>
“This story of the tropical Amazon burning is a lie and we have to fight it against real numbers,” he told a meeting of the Leticia Treaty that started last year to protect the rainforest. /p>
Bolsonaro challenged his leaders to fly over the rainforest to Manaus, about 750 kilometers (460 miles) from Boavista. “They can’t find a place to catch fire, and they haven’t seen 1/4 hectares of deforestation,” he said. p>
These forests may still look pristine when viewed from above, but planes and satellites can be deceiving. A typical wildfire burning the understory of a primeval rainforest-a vegetation growing under the forest’s main canopy-can wipe out 40-50% of small shrubs, plants, and all trees .. p>
“Many parts of the Amazon forest are continuously desolated and invisible to us,” said Ane Alencar, director of science at the Brazilian Institute for Non-Governmental Amazon Environment (IPAM). I am. Organization. “In fact, these forest fires have reduced the quality of these forests.” p>
With almost no undergrowth or small trees, it becomes difficult to maintain a moist, lower microclimate that helps protect the rainforest from fire. These microclimates have already been damaged, according to USAID climate data, and the average temperature in the Amazon Basin has risen by at least 0.5 degrees Celsius (0.9 degrees Fahrenheit) since 1980. The dry season has been lengthened and more severe droughts have been reported, three times since 2005. p>
Damage does not end with the first flame. Large trees can be harmed by a fire, but they can survive because of their moist environment, but they can eventually lose their trauma after a few years. “At first, small trees die because they are the most vulnerable to heat stress, but over time, larger trees actually collapse with many other trees,” says British conservation science. Professor Jos Barlow said. p>
“This allows more space in the canopy, allowing sunlight to reach the lower layers and dry more.” p>
The recovery of the mycorrhizal network-a subterranean system of soil fungi that helps trees exchange nutrients and water-after which the top layer of very fine roots is also known to suffer from early flames, but wildfires It is still unknown and is the subject of research. Fire Ecology em>Some studies, including 2017 articles “The resilience of soil fungi is likely to contribute to the overall rapid ecosystem recovery following a fire,” he said. However, for forest ecosystems, rapid conditions can mean decades,According to a 2019 report in the journal Science Advances -As early as. p>
Wildfires increasing in recent years
Another danger is the re-burning of areas already damaged by the fire, such as legal and illegal rangelands and meadows, especially along the edges of the rainforest near new roads. This can permanently change the landscape. p>
“If you have two or three repeated burns, move to another ecosystem with few large ecosystems. [trees] Indeed, it is dominated by scrub species and bamboo and grass.” p>
Paul Massoca, a Brazilian researcher and PhD candidate at Indiana University Bloomington who is studying regrowth of tropical rainforests, said recurring fires act as a sort of “filter.” “Slowly eliminate plants that do not adapt to frequent fires, select the most resistant species and leave “a portion of the entire pool of plants in the area”. p>
“After repeated burning, the soil becomes poor, the growth of plants slows, and non-woody plants other than vines/vines and trees settle in the area,” he told DW of this widespread ecosystem. The repeated changes added that “slows and hinders the damage of secondary forests,” and grows to accumulate carbon. “ p>
It does not help that the already poor Amazon soil loses more valuable nutrients after a fire. In the rainforest, nutrients donated by the dead are quickly reabsorbed by organic matter, the life of living plants, leavi a little ng to the ground. p>
“The burns kill the topsoil that supports the topsoil and remove the topsoil that supports it,” Massoca said. “Fire quickly releases nutrients and carbon stored in topsoil, which are either washed away after the first rain or released into the atmosphere.” p>
According to Divino Vicente Silverio, a biologist at the Amazon Rural University in Belem in the north, these suspended soot particles in a vast cloud of smoke spill over into healthy forests, affecting cloud formation and rainfall patterns. May give. Brazil. p>
span> In an interview in August 2019 Nature em>magazineThis atmospheric aerosol load could lead to changes in the forest’s hydrological cycle, creating drier conditions and disrupting the Amazon and distant weather patterns. p>
“There is no natural fire in the Amazon.”
Nearly all fires in the Amazon can be related to human activity. Trees felled to pave the way for economic development are cut down, left to dry, and then lit. Additional fires have been set up to remove weeds from existing pastures and wipe out old agricultural areas. And, as it happened in 2019, those fires could spread to the surrounding forests. p>
“There are no natural fires in Amazon,” said IPAM Allenker. “Even if it’s very dry, we need to get someone to play the game.” p>
Faced with criticism of the government’s response to the fire in 2019, President Bolsonaro said< a href = "" target = "_ blank">Fantastic wetlands(Until November), at the end of the dry season, and deployed troops to prevent illegal deforestation. p>
In his speech at a meeting of the Leticia Pact last week, he said the government’s efforts were effective and pointed out that there was forest clearance, a decrease of more than 25% in July compared to July 2019. Did. This is the first decrease in 15 months. p>
“We make a lot of efforts to fight fires and deforestation, but they are still criticized,” he said. p>
But experts blame Bolsonaro for picking the data. According to INPE, deforestation increased 25% year-on-year in the first half and at least 3,000 square kilometers (1,200 square miles) were cut by June. Allenker said that 2020 would be the worst year of deforestation in Brazil in more than 10 years if current rates continue. p>
In states with historically high deforestation rates, Mato Grosso, Para, and Rondonia-the number of fires detected Allenker showed that the early increases in the season were ineffective government responses, He said he already thinks it is too late. p>
“It looks like we’ve lost the fight against deforestation this season,” she told DW. “We had two days, July 30th and August 1st…with over 1,000 hot pixels, a measure of local fire activity, and that period was very high.” p>
In addition, NASA’s observations have shown that the Atlantic hurricane season is potentially active as in 2005 and 2010 as storms inhaled moisture from the forest, contributing to the drought in the southwestern Amazon. p>
span>“They predict that the same pattern is likely to happen this year, and if that were true, it would be catastrophic,” Allenker said. p>
Germany well.. em> p>
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