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“Turning point” warning as 190 new cases identified


Health Minister Stephen Donnelly said today another 190 confirmed Covid-19 cases were identified.

In Ireland, one more death was reported to the Department of Health, with a total of 1,775 deaths related to Covid-19.

Lecture at the briefing session after the Cabinet Meeting“We are at a turning point, seeing the facts and hearing the opinions of health care professionals,” the minister said.

“The growth rate of new cases in Ireland over the past two weeks is the fourth highest in Europe. In the past two months, it dropped from 61 cases in one particular week to 533 last week.”

He said there are multiple clusters throughout the country at home and at work, with a cumulative total of 26 cases per 14 days per 100,000 population.

He added that some measures need to be taken to reverse the spread of the virus in order to protect public health, life and health services and open schools.

“This virus is relentless. It doesn’t slow down because we may get bored with it, or because we all want to restore our lives to normality. The pandemic is not over.

“We can see that many of Europe’s neighbors are booming in their own countries. In some cases, the spike is dramatic and we need to make sure it doesn’t happen here. Europe And governments around the world are acting. We are doing it today.”

Minister Donnelly warned that we were at a turning point and said Ireland’s growth rate for the past two weeks was the fourth highest in Europe.

Among the announced measures According to today’s government, indoor events are limited to 50 to 6 people. The exception is religious services and businesses such as shops and restaurants.

All home visits, both indoors and outdoors, are limited to 6 people under 3 households.

Gardai will be given new powers to enforce rules regarding social gatherings, especially in restaurants and bars serving meals, and in private homes.

Test and trace turnaround time is 2.83 days-HSE

The Health Service Executive states that the median end-to-end turnaround time for testing and tracing is 2.83 days.

This number is a combination of regional and hospital tests, including the time from test introduction to completion of the contact trace, and is 90% of the cases within HSE’s unique goal of 3 days.

The HSE online dashboard figures released yesterday show turnaround times for different parts of the process, which, when added together, had a median turnaround of 3.4 days and an average of 3.8 days.

However, according to HSE, the dashboard “currently does not show end-to-end turnaround time, but shows three different components of turnaround time, so in total end-to-end: Does not represent the entire turnaround time of.

According to yesterday’s data, the end-to-end turnaround time for community and emergency settings is 2.83 days.

In the week from August 10th to 16th, over 50,000 tests were run and the results were returned.

According to HSE, the number of referrals for community tests last month has “significantly increased” from 6,000 per week five weeks ago to 22,000 today.

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As a result, they have begun to test longer in more locations and have increased staffing to meet demand.

Additional resources are also provided for the contact tracking part of the process.

This week, 60 staff will track your contacts.

The number of new cases of the virus reported yesterday was 56, down from 66 the day before. The total number of cases here is 27,313.

For the fifth consecutive day, no new deaths have been reported.

Of the new cases notified, 79% were under the age of 45.

New cases spread nationwide, with 26 in Kildare, 13 in Dublin, and the rest in County Donegal, Galway, Kerry, Ray, Longford, Meath, Monaghan, Offery, Westmeath, and Wicklow.

As of 8 pm last night, there were 18 inpatients with confirmed Covid-19 and 150 suspected viruses.

Eight were in the intensive care unit and had a confirmed diagnosis and six suspected cases.

On Friday night, the hospital had 14 confirmed cases and 136 suspicious cases. The number of people in ICU has remained at eight since Friday.

In Northern Ireland, further deaths from coronaviruses have been recorded, with the official Ministry of Health totaling 559.

There are 41 new cases and the cumulative total is 6,471.

Currently, there are four confirmed Covid-19 patients in the hospital, which has increased from two yesterday and is not receiving intensive care.

According to World Health Organization data to date, 80% of Covid-19 infections are mild or asymptomatic, 15% are severe, require oxygen, and 5% are fatal and ventilated. Is required.

Generally, you must be at least 15 minutes within 2 meters of an infected person to be considered at risk or in close contact.

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