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Traders fear local blockade as shoppers avoid Stanley Town Center after the Coronavirus incident


After the surge of coronavirus cases, shoppers are argued to avoid the town center of Stanley.

The Stanley Empire Club, located in the center of town, closed for 14 days after eight people tested positive for coronavirus. Panther, who visited for three days, was asked to quarantine himself.

The other three pubs- Phoenix Club, Ball Ally, East Stanley Working Men’s Club -Closed in town even after the customer gave a positive reaction.

Companies are now saying they have fallen into the center of the town, and there is concern that a local blockade could occur if the number of positive events continues to increase.

52-year-old Denise McNeal, manager of Card Trix, said: We were really, very quiet.

“There aren’t many people going shopping. We are close to one of the closed clubs.

“People, especially the elderly, are worried about coming out. Normally, it’s pretty busy on Mondays because people come in pensions, but it was quiet this week due to news.

“Hopefully there is no next lockdown. Hopefully the numbers remain low.

“The pub is now closed but will be reopened-people have to make a living. Is it worth going to the pub?”

Steve Smith, 58, who owns SMS Vacuums, said the footsteps have decreased.

Shop owner Steve Smith

“I think it’s a problem that many people think the coronavirus is gone because the pub has opened. People are behaving normally.

“We sell masks, we sell more, we also sell hand sanitizers. We’re open throughout the lockdown, which has kept our business going.

“It worked very well as we were one of the few places that was open when we had our final lockdown.”

As with self-separation, anyone who tests positive will be asked to make sure that other members of the family also self-separate for 14 days.

Health boss said Over 100 people at risk of getting the virus After occurrence.

Elizabeth Platten, 80, was shielded for four months and was granted permission on August 1.

She said: “It’s very worrisome. I was worried about another lockdown when I was shielded. Awful. I couldn’t live that way again.

Elizabeth Platten from Stanley

“My husband used to use the club regularly. This happened because he was at the end of July so he didn’t have to return for some reason.”

The business owner, who wanted to keep his name, said: “It was no surprise, I think everyone was expecting it.

“I don’t think that will happen (lockdown). You have to wait and see what happens.”

Stanley Town Council leader Retin Bay said there were no signs of a local blockade, but if it changed, they were ready to help companies.

He said: “The news coming out of town lately is worrisome and we continue to monitor the situation carefully.

“There are no indications of a local lockdown right now, but things can change if positive cases continue to occur.

“Everyone who visited the Empire Club on the highlighted date is alerted to everyone else until they are contacted by the Council Council’s response team, or on the Council’s online Covid Hub, for specific information. Please do not neglect. Follow government guidelines.

Stanley Town Center

“Stanley was very positive about the first blockade. The Town Council immediately paid a grant to support the organization and community facilities.

“No one wants to do it once, but if so, we’ll be ready to help people in the Stanley region.”

The Durham County Council has stated that its staff have been working with Public Health England and the NHS Test and Trace since the first suspicious incident was discovered in order to reach as many people as possible to visit the club that day. I will.

A community awareness program has also been launched in Stanley and the surrounding area.

This includes posters that share unique messages to people visiting your club, reminders of how to stay safe during a pandemic, and advice and guidance to local businesses to keep staff and customers safe. ..

“The town’s representative, Councilor Karl Marshall, said: Recently, many positive results have been seen.

“The Durham County Council uses everyone from the venue to track and track data, but if they aren’t contacted for any reason, to reduce the risk of spreading the infection in the absence of symptoms, Isolation is important.

“While this process continues, I urge people in Stanley to remain vigilant and comply with national guidelines for their own safety and the safety of others.”

North Durham MP Kevan Jones encourages anyone who tests positive to follow health guidance and access support services.

He said: “I would like to commend the two clubs for their swift action to deal with this when the situation becomes apparent. This illustrates the continued need for vigilance. .”

You can access support through online help. Or call the County Durham County Community Hub at 03000 260 260.


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