Children “spray human waste” at COVID Hotel
Disturbing details were revealed for a COVID-infected family in a hotel quarantine, which could have falsely triggered the second fatal outbreak in Victoria.
Investigating Victoria’s Missing Hotel Quarantine Program found that an “environmental pollution episode” occurred in a room on May 18 after a family stayed at the Rydges Hotel in Swanston St and showed symptoms of COVID-19 I heard.
It is believed that the distressed children of the family spread the excrement into the room.
“Then there was a suggestion that the family was approved to walk out of the room, with guards accompanying them during that time,” epidemiologist Dr. Charles Alpren answered the question.
“There may have been a send event at this point.”
Victoria has recorded 222 new coronavirus cases and 17 deaths in the past 24 hours until Tuesday.
The number of new infections every day is declining, but in some parts of Melbourne, cases have surged despite Stage 4 lockdowns.
Casey, in the southeastern suburb of Melbourne, recorded nine more cases than it did on Monday, the highest net increase in viral cases.
Frankston and the Mornington Peninsula also saw a net increase in active cases. But north and west of Melbourne, numbers are falling as people recover from the virus and Stage 4 lockdowns limit infections to the community.
Children “spray human waste” at COVID Hotel
Disturbing details were revealed for a COVID-infected family in a hotel quarantine, which could have falsely triggered the second fatal outbreak in Victoria.
Inquiries to the Victorian Bangle Hotel Quarantine Program heard on Tuesday that approximately 90% of state COVID-19 cases could be traced to a family member staying at the Rydges Hotel in Melbourne on Swanston Street. It seems. Decision.
A family of four went to Rydges Hotel on May 15th, a few days after returning to Australia from abroad, and after some symptoms.
Research has shown that they never leave the hotel and were supervised outside the room during their stay.
On May 25th, three Rydges staff were diagnosed with COVID-19.
Epidemiologist Dr. Charles Alpren told the question that nursing staff needed to address the “episode of pollution” that had occurred in a family room on May 18th.
It is believed that the distressed children of the family spread the excrement into the room.
“Then there was a suggestion that the family was allowed to walk outside their room, during which they were accompanied by guards,” Dr. Alpren said.
“There may have been a send event at this point.”
Further details about the situation within the Quarantine Hotel in Melbourne will be revealed when the evidence is revealed in an investigation chaired by Judge Jennifer Court, who has retired from security guards, returning travelers, and officials.
Two nurses and four travelers will present evidence on Thursday, and another two travelers and guards will stand on Friday before the investigation.
“A new stage in the pandemic”
The World Health Organization warned youth that they are driving a deadly march of COVID-19 worldwide, and then headed abroad for a while.
According to the WHO, the virus may be unaware that older people in their 20s, 30s, and 40s are infected, but it is spread by people at risk to vulnerable groups.
“The epidemic is changing… people in their 20s, 30s and 40s are increasingly contributing to the spread. Many are unaware that they are infected. It increases the risk of spillover,” said Dr. Takeshi Kasai, WHO’s Western Pacific Regional Director, at a virtual briefing.
Dr. Kasai also addressed the surge in countries where the virus appears to be under control, such as Australia, New Zealand, Vietnam and South Korea.
“What we’re observing is more than just a resurgence, I believe this is a signal that we’re in a new phase of a pandemic in the Asia-Pacific region,” Dr. Kasai said.
Virus death in Bali in Australia
An Australian man died in Bali three weeks after being infected with COVID-19.
Born in Perth and living in Bali’s beachside town of Sanur, Paul Koodravsev, 62, was first virus positive on July 25 and was admitted to the COVID ward at Udayana University Hospital.
He died Sunday from multiple organ failure caused by the virus, Western Australia reported.
“The cause of death was due to multiple organ failure. He was hospitalized with positive confirmation of COVID, but also had many comorbidities,” said Ketut Suarjaya, Head of Bali Health Services.
“He was recovering from COVID before he died. The third swab was negative at Udayana University Hospital on August 10th. He was hospitalized for 18 days and died on August 16th.”
Kudravsev is the second Australian to die of coronavirus in Bali.
The first was David Sparenburg, 53, who died in a guesthouse near the tourist attractions of Canggu.
Australians have to abandon the “she will be right” attitude
In his national update today, Professor Michael Kidd urged Australians not to ignore other health problems for fear of being exposed to COVID-19.
The deputy chief medical officer said he was “very worried” when he saw some people delaying treatment or appointments because he didn’t want to come in contact with the virus in the medical setting.
“Much of our focus remains on COVID-19, but it is absolutely essential that we continue to focus on all the medical issues that affect people in Australia,” he said.
“Australian “she is right” attitudes do not apply to your health or the health of your loved ones.” ”
Virus hits four Woolies stores
Coronavirus has hit four major Melbourne supermarkets in the last 24 hours.
Four Woolworths staff members returned a positive COVID-19 test on Tuesday, and employees worked in Mornington East, Glen in Glen Waverley, Collingwood in Dunmurphy, and Plenty Valley.
At the Mornington East store, workers were last in a supermarket on August 5th. Woolworth confirmed that the store was thoroughly cleaned.
The infected Glen Waverley employee last worked on August 13th, while Dan Murphy’s Collingwood and Plenty Valley staff who had a positive reaction worked on August 12th and August 9th, respectively.
In a statement, Woolworth confirmed that the risk of infecting customers and other team members was “low”.
“As a food retailer, we already have very high standards of cleaning and hygiene,” it said.
“We contact team members and follow the advice of health authorities to provide full support to those in need of self-isolation.”
All four stores have returned to normal trading.
Return to work COVID Positive Nurse
The intensive care nurse says he plans to return to work on Friday, just two weeks after signing COVID-19.
Daniel Collins, an intensive care unit nurse at Royal Melbourne Hospital, tested positive for COVID-19 on August 6th.
Collins, who was isolated in a hotel after being diagnosed, said he was “sick” because he had a hard time holding his breath just a few days ago.
He told ABC Radio Melbourne that he was absent, but was planning to return to work on August 21, even if the positive reactions persisted.
Collins (24) said he initially had mild symptoms and began to lose his taste and smell. About eight days he said, “I’m pretty sick.”
He also said he was measuring his oxygen saturation, which had fallen to a “worried” level.
A registered nurse said he didn’t have to return to a negative test before returning to work.
“If you’re on the 10th day of getting a COVID, you need to be symptom free for 3 days. Then you can get rid of your COVID.”
Suburbs where the virus is still increasing
The number of new COVID-19s in Victoria is declining, but in some areas cases are skyrocketing despite Stage 4 lockdowns.
Especially in the southeastern part of Melbourne.
Casey, in the southeastern south, has the highest net increase in viral cases, nine more cases than it did on Monday. There are a total of 355 active cases.
Frankston had a net increase of 6 cases, totaling 95, while the Mornington Peninsula increased by 3 to 67 cases.
Outside Melbourne, Greater Geelong had a net increase of 4 active cases to 159 and Warrnambool had a net increase of 2 to a total of 7 active cases.
However, the number of active cases in hotspots north and west of Melbourne has declined as people have recovered and blockades have pushed down community infections.
Over the past seven days, the total number of active cases has decreased by 34 at Brimbank, 33 at Wyndham, 25 at Whittlesey, 16 at Marivilnon, 13 at Hume, 13 at Melton, 10 at Moreland and 10 at Melbourne.
Conspiracyists have a COVID anti-Vax war
Thousands of anti-boxers have launched a campaign against the coronavirus vaccine, attacking Australian leaders and politicians with “pseudo-science.”
The attack caused fears that more and more Australians would refuse to vaccinate against the deadly virus when the cure was available, Science Minister Karen Andrews told Herald Sun People said they would believe in the campaign as having a “huge risk”.
“It’s just crappy, false information and false alarms are dangerous and can lead to loss of life,” Andrews told the publication.
“In my role as Minister of Science, I’m not really ready to sit there and allow these people to promote pseudoscience.”
The protest took place on politicians’ Facebook pages last night and was coordinated by figures from the anti-Vax community in Melbourne.
“It’s about us being in a digital war against what people perceive as harmful misinformation,” the event read.
Senator Rough Sikkorn called on anyone who would refuse to ban future vaccines from the facility, telling Herald Sun’s conspiracy theorists “to bear the consequences of that decision.”
Authorities investigate cases associated with hospitals
Victorian health authorities are urgently investigating multiple coronavirus infections associated with two hospitals in Melbourne.
In today’s breakdown of the state’s new COVID-19 case, DHHS is investigating cases related to the Austin Hospital northeast of Melbourne and Knox Private Hospital in Wantirna.
Incidents related to the West End apartment construction site in West Melbourne are also under investigation.
The number of cases linked to each spot is unknown.
Tuesday’s case breakdown
Victoria’s Department of Health and Human Services has released a daily breakdown of new state incidents.
Of the 222 new cases in the state, 54 are associated with outbreaks or complex cases and 168 are under investigation.
For state occurrences, here are the numbers associated with each:
210 cases are associated with Al-Taqwa College.
207 cases are associated with Thomas Town’s Beltkki Small Goods.
205 cases related to Epping’s Epping Gardens Aged Care.
190 cases are linked to Faulkner’s Nursing Home.
157 cases are associated with Estia’s nursing home for the elderly in Ardia.
149 Brooklyn cases are linked to JBS.
136 cases have been associated with the Bapt Care Wyndham Lodge Community in Werribee.
131 cases have been associated with Kirkbrae Presbyterian homes in Kirsis.
111 cases were associated with the Outlook Gardens Aged Care Facility in Dandenong North.
110 cases have been associated with the Estia Elderly Care Facility in Heidelberg.
101 cases relate to reservoir twin park aging care.
Sunbury Japara Goonawarra has 100 cases associated with it.
99 cases were associated with Cumberland Manor Aged Care Facility in Sunshine.
64 examples are linked to Mulgrave’s Woolworths Distribution Center.
63 cases are linked to the Linfox warehouse in Torganina.
Forty-four cases are associated with Catholic Regional College in Sydenham.
Thirty-five cases have been associated with the Hazelden poultry farm in Bendigo.
Broadmeadows has 33 cases associated with Ausfresh.
DHHS is also investigating incidents involving the Austin Hospital, Knox Private Hospital, and the West End apartment construction site in West Melbourne.
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