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Coronavirus odor loss “unlike colds and flu”


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The loss of odor associated with coronaviruses is unique and different from that experienced by people with severe colds and flu, says a European investigator who studied patient experience.

Covid-19 When a patient’s odor is gone, it suddenly tends to become severe.

Also, there is usually no stuffy nose, stuffy nose, or runny nose. Most people with the coronavirus are free to breathe.

Another thing that sets them apart is the loss of “real” taste.

According to journal researchers, their sense of smell is out of action, so it does not mean that their taste is somewhat compromised Linology.. Coronavirus patients with a loss of taste cannot distinguish between really bitter and sweet.

Experts suspect this is because the pandemic virus attacks nerve cells that are directly involved in smell and taste.

The main symptoms of coronavirus are:

  • high temperature
  • New, continuous cough
  • Loss of odor and taste

People with these symptoms should be self-isolated, Swab test to see if you have a virus.. Family members also need to be quarantined to prevent the spread of the infection.

Odor research

Professor Karl Philpott, a senior researcher at the University of East Anglia, scented and tasted 30 volunteers (10 Covid-19, 10 cold, 10 healthy with no cold or flu symptoms). Was tested.

The loss of odor was much more serious with the Covid-19 patent. They were less able to identify the odor and could not distinguish between bitter and sweet tastes.

Professor Philpott, working with Charity Fifth Sense, which was founded to help people with odor and taste disorders, said: “There seems to be a distinctive function that distinguishes coronaviruses from other respiratory viruses.

“This is very exciting, as it means that we can use odor and taste tests to distinguish Covid-19 patients from those who have a common cold or flu.”

He said people can do their own aroma and taste tests at home with products like coffee, garlic, oranges or lemons and sugar.

He stressed that a diagnostic test for swabs in the throat and nose is still essential if someone suspects someone is infected with a coronavirus.

He added that most people who recover from the coronavirus will recover their olfaction and taste within a few weeks.

Professor Andrew Lane is an expert on nasal and sinus problems at Johns Hopkins University in the United States.

He and his team studied tissue samples from behind the nose to understand how coronaviruses cause loss of odor and the results. European Respiratory Journal..

They have identified very high levels of enzymes that are only present in the nasal area responsible for the odor.

This enzyme, called ACE-2 (angiotensin converting enzyme II), is thought to be the “entrance” through which coronaviruses can enter the body’s cells and cause infection.

The nose is one of the places where Sars-CoV-2, the virus that causes Covid-19, enters the body.

Professor Lane also said:

“If so, antiviral therapies given directly through the nose may help combat the infection.”

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