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Nano and micro plastics found in all human organs and tissues


A team of researchers from recently Arizona State University We have discovered micro and nano plastics in human tissues and organs. This study was presented at the American Chemical Society Virtual Expo.

I’m worried that plastic materials have penetrated every corner of the globe. According to Plastic Europe, over 330 million metric tons of plastic material is produced worldwide, most of which are non-biodegradable. Over time, these plastic materials break down into smaller pieces, producing microplastics (<5 mm) and nanoplastics (<0.001 mm). Research shows that these plastic wastes are associated with serious health complications such as diabetes, obesity, infertility, cardiovascular disease, nervous system problems, and cancer.

Image credit: Warut Chinsai / Shutterstock

Image credit: Warut Chinsai / Shutterstock

Current research

Given the serious impact of plastic waste on the Earth’s ecosystem, the researchers in the current study sought to investigate whether microplastics could also penetrate human organs. They conducted experiments using 47 human tissue samples isolated from lung, liver, kidney, and spleen.

They used a mass spectrometer to analyze all samples to detect traces of trace plastic in human organs. Surprisingly, they found the presence of bisphenol A in all tissue samples. Frequently used in the plastics industry to manufacture food containers, bisphenol A is a plastic component with many known health hazards, including cardiovascular problems. In addition, other plastic components included in the tissue sample include polycarbonate, polyethylene terephthalate, and polyethylene.

Innovative methods developed by researchers

For experiments, researchers collected tissue samples from an existing repository of brain and body tissue, which was first developed to study neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease.

For analysis, we developed a computer-based programming tool that translates information about the number of plastic particles into units of mass and surface area, and share this tool online to provide a standardized platform for all researchers in the field. I thought about doing. However, removing effective contaminants such as microplastics from the air is essential for effective screening and identification of plastic components in human tissue, they said.

Researchers say they are not yet aware of whether these plastic parts are harmful to human health. However, the fact that plastic waste invades human systems and accumulates in various tissues and organs is itself alarming.

They are currently conducting detailed research to gather information on the location and extent of accumulation of plastic components in various tissues and organs of the human body. The researchers believed that with all the information available, they could conduct epidemiological studies to find the potential health effects of these substances.

Significance of research

In this study, tissue samples were collected from people known to have environmental exposures. This study, with complete information on tissue donor lifestyle, diet, and occupational exposure, provides evidence of potential causes and routes of exposure to micro and nanoplastic components, a study of this type. For the first time as.

In addition, the results of this study can be used to assess the significant impact of plastic pollution on human health.



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