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Terror increases during pandemic flu season


With some promising signs that the summer COVID-19 surge in California may have peaked, health officials may further afflict the more familiar epidemic from the already devastating pandemic. I fear it: Flu.

Health and Welfare Secretary Mark Gurley urged Californians to be vaccinated against the flu on Tuesday, saying the bad outbreak would only compound the stress on hospitals already being expanded by COVID-19. It was

“It’s especially important to get the flu vaccine this year,” Gurley said. “When the flu and COVID co-occur, it certainly strains the already lacking health resources.”

California averaged over 8,000 cases daily over the past two weeks on Tuesday, reporting 4,636 new COVID-19 cases, making it the nation’s top 632,667. For the first time since June, fewer than 5,000 hospital admissions on the weekend increased to 5,061 on Tuesday, resulting in 86 new cases. There were 100 new deaths from the disease in the state, below the average of recent weeks, totaling 11,342.

The biggest reason for the drop-off: Gurley said lawsuits in Los Angeles County and other blockbuster areas of Southern California are declining.

Two counties, Santa Cruz and San Diego, were removed from the state’s watch list due to coronavirus outbreaks, but other counties were added, making 41 of the 58 counties in the state.

However, Gurley said the new county had a small population and the situation across the state had not deteriorated.

“We don’t feel we’re going in the wrong direction,” Gurley said. “We feel that the overall situation in the state is stable.”

He said he was confident that the state was working towards an exchange by fixing data issues with its case reporting and test data system, CalREDIE.

However, the flu season is an urgent concern and is shared by doctors across the state. Gurley said the state “is working with healthcare providers to increase the availability of vaccines.”

“Dr. George Rutherford, an epidemiologist in San Francisco, Calif., should try to reduce the flu prevalence as much as possible. He fears that flu patients may crowd into intensive care patients who are full of COVID-19 cases.” “The reason is that ICU will not be overwhelmed by influenza patients.”

Rutherford’s experience in the Southern Hemisphere is not yet clear if the flu is milder, or if it is mitigated by more careful physical distance to avoid COVID-19, wearing masks, and hygiene practices Said.

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control estimates that 9.3 million to 45 million Americans are infected with influenza each year, 140,000-810,000 are hospitalized, and 12,000-61,000 die, based on the 2017-2018 season. doing.

According to the COVID Tracking Project, nearly 5.5 million Americans in the United States are coronavirus-positive and 163,595 die from COVID-19.

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