Smartphones can detect alcohol consumption that exceeds legal driving limits
Research has found that smartphones can detect when they drank too much by monitoring their walks.
Researchers in the US have used sensors on smartphones to detect when someone has exceeded their drunk-driving limits.
If the user walked just 10 steps in a University of Pittsburgh study, the phone was able to do this with about 90% accuracy.
Scientists hope this discovery can be used to create alerts for devices, such as asking people not to drive while drunk.
“We have a powerful sensor that we can take with us wherever we go,” said Chief Researcher Bryan Suffollet. “We need to learn how to use them to best serve public health.”
The study had 22 participants, aged 21 to 43, who drank vodka and lime juice every hour until the UK and US drunk driving limits of 80 milligrams per 100 milliliters of alcohol were reached. did.
With their smartphones on hand, participants performed a walking task every two hours-walking 10 straight steps, turning, and back.
In about 90% of the time, researchers were able to identify what was over the limit through changes in gait highlighted on the phone.
One application is to inform users who may not think they have a disability and should not drive.
“I lost my best friend in a drunk driving crash at college,” said Dr. Suffollet. “And as an emergency doctor, I took care of dozens of adults who were injured in relation to acute alcoholism.
“For this reason, I’ve been devoted over the past decade to testing digital interventions to prevent death and injury associated with excessive alcohol consumption.”
This is a small pilot, but scientists want it to lay the foundation for further research. They want people to perform additional experiments that better mimic their phones, such as in their hands or pockets.
“This is a controlled study, but broader public applications need to consider how this data will be collected and used,” said Dr. Daniel Dresdler, cybersecurity expert at the University of Manchester. “.
“There is no limit to the ingenuity of possible uses and abuses of data, but it is important to remember how this science will be applied in the future. Can I prevent them from driving?Will I warn my friends or authorities if I shouldn’t?”
Last year, approximately 360,000 hospitalizations in UK hospitals were primarily due to drinking, with approximately 6,000 alcohol deaths.
“Five years later, when people go out with friends and drink at dangerous levels, they get a warning at the first sign of a disability, and a world where they are sent strategies to stop drinking and protect from high fever. I’d like to imagine a dangerous event like driving, interpersonal violence, or unprotected sexual encounters,” Dr. Suffollet said.
Survey results have been released Journal of research on alcohol and drugs..
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