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Masks slow down the spread of coronaviruses-but not all are created equal | US News


Masks have been found to be one of the most effective tools to slow down coronavirus transmission, but not all face covers are created equal.

Researchers at Duke University ignited controversy over bandanas and neck gaiters earlier this month. They published findings on the effectiveness of 14 different face coverings in filtering respiratory droplets and found significant differences in performance.

of InvestigationPublished in the journal Science Advances, the fitted N95 ventilator performs best, followed by surgical masks and cotton masks with a layer of synthetic material between two layers of cotton. I found that. (As the United States is still experiencing a shortage of N95 breathers, experts say these should be reserved for first-line health care workers.)

Gaiters on the neck had the worst results, reducing respiratory splashes and bandanas that could infect others. But not everyone thinks this is a discovery we have to live on. The New York Times is for readers “Save Gaiters!”

“for [the neck gaiter]”We actually saw what appeared to be an increase in the number of particles,” Martin Fisher, one of the authors of the report, said at a press conference. “We believe that the mesh fabric actually disperses some of those droplets.” Moreover, the smaller particles are longer than the larger droplets that could be ejected without a mask. He said it could remain in the air.

But then To report Researchers at the Virginia Tech found that gaiters offer protection similar to other fabric masks recommended by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and dual gaiters provide higher protection than single-layer gaiters. It was.

It is possible that the composition of the gaiters used in the study played a role. “I wrapped this whole [debate] It’s a poorly tested fabric problem,” said Eric Westman, one of Duke’s research authors. While Duke’s researchers used gaiters made from polyester spandex blends, a Virginia Tech study used one 100% polyester gaiter and a gaiter with a composition similar to Duke gaiter.

So which mask is most effective in preventing droplet spread? It’s difficult to know exactly now.

However, Fisher of Duke Research proposed this general rule: “There are two masks, one of which is really easy to see and easy to breathe and the other is [is] It’s not. It’s probably a good bet that thicker will give better performance. ”

For the time being, Saskia Popesque, an epidemiologist at George Mason University and the University of Arizona, recommended using a surgical mask or a three-layer cotton mask. “I don’t think either study means you can’t wear a particular mask. Rather, if you have any concerns about the findings, avoid them until the additional studies are complete,” she said.

Meanwhile, previous research Release The July journal Thorax found that two-layer face covers are “greater at reducing the spread of droplets caused by coughing and sneezing” than single-layer fabric masks. cover. In that study, surgical masks were also superior to cloth masks.

“The general consensus around the world is that masks work and everyone needs to wear them,” Westman said.


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