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Researchers at MIT have created a reusable face mask that works like an N95 mask


Nurses and doctors went to the creative limit Reuse the same mask, gloves and scrubs They need to treat infectious coronavirus patients. However, if a prototype mask created by researchers is found to be broadly effective, it could be a safer alternative for healthcare professionals.

Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston have developed iMASC, a new silicone mask that can be safely reused without worrying about contamination. Researchers still need to analyze how they effectively capture viral particles, a promising step to address a critical healthcare shortage.

iMASC is N95 mask, Its creator says. That is partly because it uses the N95 filter without all the additional material of the N95 mask to trap particles.

The mask is also based on the general N95 mask shape, but is made of silicone rubber that can be sterilized after use. The double filter that covers the mouth can also be replaced after each use, the researchers said.

In the research on iMASC published in British Medical Journal OpenResearchers say the lack of personal protective equipment (PPE) in hospitals has created a “significant need” for reusable safety equipment.

So they tried their hands with N95 style masks. They printed the material in 3D and tested its use between nurses and doctors who scored masks for breathability, fit, and ease of filter replacement.

The researchers all asked healthcare professionals at Brigham and Women’s Hospital how the mask overlaps with the proven N95 mask. Most of them said they didn’t like or liked the new masks. release..

Lack of PPE forces doctors to reuse contaminated equipment

The N95 mask is considered the most effective face cover and can capture up to 95% of particles. However, they are not made to be sterilized and reused.

But healthcare workers had to reuse them anyway Lack of masks and other PPE, Like scrubs and gloves. Doctors must reuse potentially contaminated gear, which can expose them and patients to coronaviruses. This is an alternative that uses no protection at all, even if the reuse of PPE poses a risk.

It’s a risk researchers don’t want healthcare professionals to take. Peter Tsai, who invented the filter fabric for the N95 mask, After retirement, test sterilization method.. Group of researchers at Duke University Development of original decontamination method Use hydrogen peroxide in March.

The Duke team biopollution law takes hours to complete, requires equipment not found in many hospitals, and can only be used up to 20 times on the same mask. Researchers at MIT said they knew they needed to create more versatile processes or products.

Dr. Giovanni Traverso, MIT’s associate professor of mechanical engineering and gastroenterologist, said: At Brigham and Women’s Hospital

The researchers used several different sterilization methods with iMASC, such as passing through an autoclave, placing in an oven, and soaking in both bleach and isopropyl alcohol. After each test, the silicone material was undamaged.

The MIT team is working on a new version of the mask to test whether it can filter virus particles efficiently. in the meantime, Hospital worker -And with people who work in important businesses School planning to reopen -Call on local, state, and federal leaders to provide more PPE to protect their health.


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