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Plague has been occurring in California for the first time in five years. How likely is it that you will catch it?


In the Middle Ages, Epidemic A series of outbreaks known as killed tens of millions in Europe Black death.. And while it is extremely rare today, deadly bacterial infections still exist today.

This week, California reported that First case of plague After five years. The patient is a resident of the South Lake Tahoe area and is said to be recovering at home. And in July, a 15-year-old boy in western Mongolia died. Gland plague He signed a contract with an infected marmot.

by World Health Organization (WHO) reported a total of 3,248 cases worldwide, with 584 deaths, between 2010 and 2015. The most affected countries were the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Madagascar and Peru.

Plague reports can be terrifying, but experts say there’s little reason to worry in most cases.

What is plague?

Plague is a disease caused by the bacterium Yersinia pestis, which affects humans and other mammals. There are three types of plague: glandular, septic, and pulmonary.

Gland plague is the most common form, accounting for over 80% of cases in the United States, with lung plague being the most severe.

Many animals can be infected with plague, including rock squirrels, woodrats, ground squirrels, prairie dogs, chipmunks, mice, voles, and rabbits. It is usually transmitted from animal to human, but a very rare case of the disease spreads from person to person.

Squirrel responds positively to plague in Colorado…


How can plague spread?

of Plague According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), fleas that infect rodents can be transmitted. People usually get glandular plague or septic plague after being bitten by a flea that carries bacteria.

Humans too get sick When dealing with infected animals, it causes either gland plague or septic plague.

In some cases, coughing an infected person can cause infections and spread contagious droplets. This is the only way plague can spread among people.

Both cats and dogs can lead to human infections. Cats are particularly susceptible to illness and have been associated with several cases of human plague via respiratory droplets in the United States during the last few decades.

What are the plague symptoms?

Key Symptom One of the gland plagues is the transverse band: painful, swollen lymph nodes in the groin or armpit. Other symptoms include fever, weakness, cough and chills.

Patients with septic plague develop fever, chills, extreme weakness, abnormal pain, shock, and occasionally internal bleeding. The skin and other tissues, especially the fingers, toes, and nose, can darken and die.

Patients with pulmonary plague (the most serious illness) develop fever, headache, weakness, pneumonia, shortness of breath, chest pain, cough, and sometimes bloody or watery mucus. Pneumonia can cause respiratory failure and shock.

Which areas have the greatest impact of plague?

Plague First introduced From a steamship carrying an infected rat to the United States in 1900. The last urban outbreak of rat-related plague in the United States occurred in Los Angeles between 1924 and 1925.

“Risk is related to both the prevalence of the plague you live in and the type of exposure to rodents and fleas,” said Harvard University, Dean of Medicine at the Massachusetts General Hospital. Dr Erica S. Shenoy, an associate professor at the School of Medicine, told CBS News on Wednesday.

In the United States, an average of seven plague cases are reported to the CDC annually from the western part of the country, especially in rural areas. Arizona, California, Colorado, Oregon, Nevada, and New Mexico are the most affected states, and bacteria are not uncommon.

Since the mid-20th century, American plague has usually occurred in the western countryside. The case presented in Illinois was laboratory-related.


Dr. Robin RM Garshon, professor and program director at NYU Global Public Health School, told CBS News Wednesday that only those living in areas where the disease is common need to worry.

“With proper precautions, you can avoid contact with potentially infected fleas,” Garshon said. “If you have an infection, there are very good treatments with antibiotics. The only risk is that the infection may not be diagnosed immediately and can lead to more serious illness.”

There have been five incidents in the United States this year so far. A fairly high proportion of cases have been reported in parts of Africa and Asia, but are found on all continents except Oceania.

How is plague treated?

“Human infections are rare,” Dr. Garshon said. “Most recover, but occasionally there is death associated with some of the more serious forms that the disease can take.”

early Diagnosis and treatment Essential for survival and reducing future complications. Common antibiotics such as streptomycin, given as soon as symptoms appear, can prevent complications and even death.

Untreated plague or septic plague can occur in lung plague that spreads to the lungs. If the gland type has a mortality rate of 30-60%, WHO..

Pulmonary plague, if left untreated, is always deadly within 18-24 hours.

“It’s important for clinicians to have the plague first suspected, get the appropriate specimens to make the diagnosis, and start treatment even before the diagnosis is made. You need to start the treatment while it is in progress,” Shenoy said.

Currently there is no vaccine against plague in the US, but researchers are investigating Some options Try to eradicate it. No vaccine is expected to be marketed in the near future.

How can I protect myself from plague?

This week, Dr. Nancy Williams, Eldorado County Public Health Officer in California, said: “Be careful with individuals and pets outdoors, especially while walking, hiking, and/or camping in wild rodent locations. Is important.” “The human cases of plague are very rare, but can be very serious.”

Low levels of bacteria make it difficult for certain rodent communities to sustain and completely eradicate the bacteria without causing significant killing.

Elimination of rodents is the key Prevention Method. It is helpful to remove nests, brushes, rocks, trash cans, firewood and food potential around your home or workplace.

If you come across sick or dead animals, do not touch them yourself. No special gloves are needed. Contact your local public health center for disposal.

Insect repellents, including DEET, can help prevent flea bites during camping, hiking, or other outdoor activities.

It is also important to regularly treat dogs and cats for fleas. CDC advises not to sleep in the same bed as pets roaming freely in endemic areas.


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