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Breaking news | Mother at home shows transformation after losing 100 LBS per year on CICO diet


A home-based mother weighing over 200 pounds lost 100 pounds a year by consuming less calories than her body burns daily and increasing her fitness routine.

Before she lost weight, Georgia Malbrough, 26, from Houma, Louisiana, had a hard time finding a healthy relationship with food. She found she was tired of playing with her three young children and knew she needed to manage her health.

“In order to enjoy my life as a mama and really be there for my children, I finally understand that I need to find a balance and, while being a parent, somehow prioritize my health. She did,” she said. Women’s health..

Before and After: Georgia Malbrough, 26 years old from Houma, Louisiana, lost over 100 pounds in just 13 months

Weight Loss Journey: Three Mothers Follow the CICO Weight Loss Plan in June 2018

Malbrough tried a trendy diet in the past, but couldn’t sustain weight loss for long. After years of a yo-yo diet, she decided she was ready to tackle a new lifestyle in June 2018.

Instead of trying yet another weight loss plan, she studied how the body burns fat and how metabolism works.

“The simple fact I found is that weight loss and fat loss are generally calories versus calories out,” she explained. “Many people call this the CICO diet, but it’s not a diet. It’s just a basic idea of ​​weight loss.”

Marubra said Houma/The Thibodaux era She used a basal metabolic rate (BMR) calculator to determine how many calories she could burn to lose weight while walking 3 miles, 3 miles a week.

Present and Present: Marbra weighed 190 pounds in six months on his weight loss journey (left). Her weight is 128 pons (right).

Plan: Marubra tracks calories to make sure you eat less than your body burns every day

The latter got a Fitbit that calculates the number of calories she was burning during workouts and breaks.

“I think I was consuming about 2,100 calories the first time I calculated and calculated it,” she recalled, “and eating 1,700 calories, because I used to eat about 1,200 calories before. My heart hurts when I can do it.”

Since then, Marubra has focused on eating fewer calories than her body is burning every day by keeping track of what she ate. She told her that for women’s health, recording her calories showed how she was overeating and helped stop her from doing so.

She believes that lifestyle changes can be eaten in moderation without excluding favorite foods from her life.

New Woman: Marbula Recorded Calorie Shows How Much She’s Overeating and Helped Stop Her From Doing That

Diet: Malbrough prefers a diet full of protein, healthy carbohydrates and vegetables

On a typical day, she has black coffee and either a protein shake or scrambled eggs for breakfast. Lunch is minced meat and the Bird’s Eye Southwest Protein Bowl has an added octopus season.

For snacks, choose low-calorie options such as grapes, apples, and salsa-pickled cucumbers.

One of her main dinners is chicken thighs with lima beans, white rice and steamed broccoli. My last meal today is dessert. It’s a mixture of Greek yogurt with chocolate pudding packs and strawberries.

Marbra also said he started drinking more water, claiming to be a “game changer” for her, by not being aware of dehydration for more time.

Keeping Moisture: As she hits the plateau, she drinks more water and “sees the difference overnight”

Amazing progress: Marbra is filmed at 175 pounds (left) and now 128 pounds (right) six months after the routine.

I feel strongly: Marubra’s workouts have progressed with weight loss and I now go to the gym 6 times a week with an emphasis on physical fitness.

When she hits the plateau, she drank more water and explained, “I see the difference overnight.” She also drinks water to control her cravings.

In addition to changing the way we eat, we adjusted our thinking about eating and decided to consider food as the “fuel” of our body, rather than our emotional crutches.

She lost more than 100 pounds in 13 months and has been holding 128 pounds for 6 months so far.

Malbrough’s workouts have progressed with weight loss, and he now goes to the gym six times a week with an emphasis on physical fitness.

Mommy shares her incredible before and after photos Instagram Pages with over 22,000 followers.

“I learned 100 pounds, a year, and countless lessons,” she captioned one post in May.

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