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The lawsuit accuses the country’s largest hospital company of not protecting workers from covid-19


According to Service Employees International Union, the lawsuit filed in the California Superior Court is legally liable for insufficient protective equipment and a policy that requires employees to work while infected. This is the first case to try to detain a national hospital company. Filed a lawsuit.

At least one other medical labor organization, the largest nurse union in New York, Brought a similar lawsuit In April I opposed the State Health Department and two New York area hospitals. At that time, the New York area was the home of the pandemic, with at least 170,000 deaths nationwide, according to the Washington Post. The judge immediately dismissed one lawsuit against the Montefiore Medical Center in the Bronx, and the status of the other lawsuits was not immediately known.

question of Possible exposure of health care workers The novel coronavirus was the thread that carried out the country’s largest public health disaster in over a century. Early in the pandemic, and sometimes more recently, hospital executives Shortage Masks, gowns, face shields, and other personal protective equipment supplied by the Federal Government.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, at least 138,000 coronavirus cases have been reported among healthcare workers, including 637 deaths, but federal data suggest that the data collected will always identify people’s jobs. These numbers are understated because they do not, according to another summary of covid-19 deaths in health care workers by the Guardian newspaper and Kaiser Family Foundation. It is very likely.

In response to the lawsuit, Annette Greenwood, Chief Nursing Officer at Riverside Community Hospital, said in a statement: “No one takes the health and safety of workers more seriously than we do. From the beginning, our top priority is to protect them, keep them safe and keep them employed. We can do the best care for our patients… Our safety efforts include co-worker testing, universal masking, and other safeguards in line with guidance from the CDC. I am.”

In addition to the Western branch of SEIU, the plaintiffs in the Thursday case include three workers at the Riverside Community Hospital who were symptomatic of being coronavirus-positive or covid-19. The complaint, one of them, a patient safety observer, was forced to work in a shift… despite explaining and demonstrating his persistent symptoms,” his boss and employee. I told the member’s health department.

Gladys Reyes, a phlebotomist at Riverside, said at a video news conference on Thursday that she was accused of failing to get blood from covid-19 patients fast enough.

“I was spending time disinfecting and dressing… I was very careful about patient safety and my safety,” said Rays. Nevertheless, she began to feel sick and had a positive reaction in late June. Her son, according to the lawsuit, lost his job because he was home to care for Reyes until she recovered.

Another phlebotomist, Sary Lara, died on June 8th with symptoms on Mother’s Day. Her daughter, Vanessa Campos Villalobos, said she complained to her boss about the need for protective equipment and brought her before she was ill, sharing her own supplies with colleagues.

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