Are mosquitoes more active in the moonlight? Some facts that will help you avoid them
Toronto-Today is World Mosquito Day. This means it’s time to celebrate some facts about one of the most hated insects in history.
These small bugs cause massive destruction every summer, causing an itchy itch that lasts every summer and the spread of many deadly diseases.
August 20 was named “World Mosquito Day”. Was that day Sir Ronald Ross confirmed Patrick Manson’s theory that mosquitoes carry malaria parasites in 1897.
A “mosquito” is not a single insect, but is actually the name of a group of insects. Thousands of different types of mosquitoes are grouped into genera.
by Malaria venture drug website, About 40 mosquitoes of the genus Anopheles can infect people with malaria.
Around 80 mosquitoes Living in Canada-64 co-exist in Ontario alone-and their bites can cause varying levels of pain to victims. Only female mosquitoes suck blood.
But one of the weirdest facts about mosquitoes is that they share similarities with another (fictitious) bloodthirsty creature. Chew more during the full moon, like a werewolf.
Dr. Mireille Marcott, National Manager of Plant Health Monitoring at the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA), Said in the CFIA podcast “Scientists have not yet identified a reason, but research has shown that mosquitoes are active during the full moon. In fact, they can bite up to 500%.”
A study conducted in 1975 found that a light trap set up to catch mosquitoes on the full moon recorded rising moon and increased activity at midnight.
How can I prevent mosquito bites apart from staying indoors when the moon is full?
Not all mosquito repellents are equal, whether sprays, wearable devices, or natural products claimed as repellents.
One study Saw the effect Among 11 different spray and wearable repellents of 2017 for repelling Aedes mosquitoes in particular, “Spray repellent containing N,N-diethyl-meta-toluamide and p-menthane-3,8-diol It is to fight off the mosquitoes that the drug showed the highest effect.”
They tested five wearable devices and found that only one released metofluthrin. Branded clip-on device.
Despite popular opinion, the study says that Citronella candles were ineffective at fighting mosquitoes.
The study Especially saw candles If you want to light a flame to keep mosquitoes away, you’ve found that using geraniol candles, which repel mosquitoes and sand at 5 times the speed of citronella candles, gives you more luck.
another Study of test repellent It has been found that repellents based on natural ingredients provide protection for less than 3 hours on average, and the inclusion of essential oils as ingredients does not seem to offer any benefit.
Geranium, cedarwood, cloves, and peppermint oil repel mosquitoes for over an hour, but at 100% concentration.
Repellents containing DEET have been found to be effective in other studies.
However, some people may naturally be more attractive to mosquitoes.
Some studies suggest that people with blood type O are more likely to attract mosquitoes. One survey from 2004 Found that the mosquito species Aedes abopictus landed in 83% of people with blood group O, whereas those with blood group A landed only 46.5% of the time.
One pilot study from 2015Found that genetics itself could play a role in individuals who are more likely to attack mosquitoes as a result of investigating how mosquitoes were attracted between monozygotic and monozygotic twins. I also understood.
Research has pointed out that while the difference in body odor has long been known to affect whether mosquitoes make you attractive, the reason for body odor has not been investigated in great detail. There is a genetic component to a person’s natural scent, and those who are less attracted to mosquitoes produce their own natural repellents.
Genetics, moonlight and repellent effects still need to be studied further, but there is at least one surefire way to avoid mosquitoes.
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