Oldham escapes complete Covid economic blockade, officials say | UK News
Oldham, who had the highest infection rate in Britain last week, is expected to escape more severe measures after authorities successfully claim that a “leicester-style blockade” has little effect in reducing the spread of coronaviruses. But will do Crippling the economy And racism..
Meanwhile, Wigan, Large manchester, And parts of East Lancashire should be released from the blockade before the rest of the region, as the government takes a “much more targeted approach” to control the outbreak. Insisted.
Sean Fielding, Council Leader of Oldham Said on Twitter“We have reached an agreement with the government that Oldham will not be a complete blockade of the local economy. However, some additional restrictions will be introduced.”
In Oldham, social mixing between households in any environment, including parks, is prohibited, he said. He added that the use of public transport in the Autonomous Region was restricted to “absolutely necessary” and the number of people who could attend weddings and funerals was further limited.
Lee Wigan’s Lee, James Grundy, calls Friday morning to confirm that he will be freed from “enhanced measures” imposed on Greater Manchester (GM) by Health and Social Care Secretary Matt Hancock. I was told that I was received. , And a large belt of Lancashire West Yorkshire on July 31st.
Rossendale and Darwen’s MP, Jake Berry, Hancock said He also agreed to lift restrictions on his East Lancashire constituency. But he said for another week that other neighborhoods, including Arlington, Blackburn, and Pendle, would be subject to regulations prohibiting rallying at home or in the garden.
The move occurred a few weeks after lobbying from Grundy and other Tory MPs in the affected area.
In the video Post on his Facebook pageGrundi said: “We’ve been campaigning to get rid of the lockdown measures since the introduction of the Lee and Wigan Wide Boroughs three weeks ago. I’m very pleased that Matt has agreed. You are free from the overall lockdown.”
He said Hancock agreed with “a more subtle, coordinated approach to dealing with the outbreaks. This is not a blockade of the entire Autonomous Region, but basically new measures that come out in each town. It means that it will be taken.”
He said the measure would be done on a district-by-district basis, in consultation with local authorities and legislators.
Berry declared in his Facebook video a “much more targeted approach.”
He said: “I’m really sorry that the rest of eastern Lancashire couldn’t take this important step today. It doesn’t matter where we are or where we live. It has something to do with how the disease passes through our society, so for our friends in Arlington, Blackburn, Pendle, and other parts of East Lancashire, we are Everyone wants to stand in solidarity with them.”
Oldham recorded the highest infection rate in the UK, with 83.1 cases per 100,000 in the week to 15 August.
Officials argued throughout the week that a “leicester-style blockade” of closing stores and businesses would have little effect on reducing Covid-19’s spread. will do Cause financial difficulties and increase racism..
On Thursday, Birmingham’s Director of Public Health said the city expects to be added to the government’s “watch list” as an area in need of “higher support.” Coronavirus cases have increased in the city over the last few weeks, with 32 cases per 100,000 from August 9 to 15. The average area in England was 8. In Birmingham last week, there were 367 positive cases from 142 last week.
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