Avoiding hyperdiffusion events at the clinical pathology laboratory
Understanding how superdiffusion occurs can help clinical laboratory leaders slow or even prevent the spread of SARS-CoV-2 within communities and healthcare systems.
Clinical laboratory Understand the critical importance of preventing the spread of infection. However, Boston GroveResearchers around the world are learning that about 80% of new COVID-19 cases are caused by only 10% of infected people. Those people are called Super spreader..
It is important that medical laboratory managers are aware of the role that superspreaders play in the infection SARS-CoV-2, Causing coronavirus COVID-19 (New Coronavirus Infection) (# If there is no character limit, add parentheses when first appearing sick.
Clinical laboratory leaders who understand how hyperdiffusion can occur can take steps to protect staff, patients, and visitors to the facility. In particular, lab personnel such as courier and phlebotomist are in contact with many people every day, so knowing how to identify the super spreader can limit the coronavirus infection in the lab or in the hospital network. ..
Super spread and prodding
influenza Other viruses are Epidemiologist Call it “prodding”. When one person infects another, the virus slowly spreads throughout the population. However, scientists around the world have found that SARS-CoV-2 infection does not fit that pattern. Instead, it seems that some infected people have transmitted the virus to dozens of other people. Super diffusion event, Boston Grove report.
“You can think of throwing a match at kindling. You throw one match, it may not brighten kindling. You throw another match, it may not brighten kindling. But then one match reached the right place and a sudden fire broke out.” Dr. Ben Althaus, Chief Epidemiology Scientist and Co-Chair Disease Modeling Laboratory In Bellevue, Washington, Boston Grove..
However, it can be difficult to identify who the super spreader is because about 90% of infected people do not spread the virus. Nevertheless, limiting the situations in which a super spread is likely to occur can significantly reduce the spread of the infection.
Dr. Samuel Scarpino (above), Associate Professor Network Science Laboratory “Preventing super-spreader events could be of great help in stopping COVID-19,” says Northeastern University. Scientific american report. “All the data we’ve seen so far suggests that when the superspreader event is suppressed, the rate of increase in infection stops very fast,” said Scarpino. (Photo copyright: University of Vermont.. )
Super spread event example
One of the first major outbreaks in the United States was an example of a hyperdiffusion event. of Biogen (NASDAQ:BIIB) A leadership conference in Boston in late February reported at least 99 cases of COVID-19 in Massachusetts alone. Boston Grove..
Several super-diffusion events have occurred in the House of Worship. One well-documented example is the weekly report of CDC morbidity and mortality.High SARS-CoV-2 attack rate after exposure during chorus practice — Skagit County, Washington.. The 122 choirs met twice in March for practice. On March 3, no one had any symptoms, but on practice on March 10, one had a flu-like symptom. Finally, 53 members tested positive for SARS-CoV-2.
On May 30, the Texas family had a birthday party, Medical Xpress report. The party was attended by 25 people and lasted only a few hours. The family followed the guidelines for state gatherings, but was unaware that one of the hosts had the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus. Seven participants were infected and seven transmitted the virus to an additional 10 families. A total of 18 members of a single family were infected.
The documented super spread events have something in common. Most occur indoors and often in poorly ventilated areas. Some activities, such as songs, release more breathing droplets than others. Some breath droplets are simply released by breathing, but more breath droplets are expelled when a person speaks. If you speak loudly, more water droplets will be released into the air.
Who is more likely to spread the coronavirus than others?
The fact that very few people are responsible for the vast majority of virus infections raises questions. Do some people simply shed more viral particles? Is biology a factor?
“I think the situation is more important” Christine Nelson, MPH, PhD, Associate Professor of Epidemiology Emory University Said Boston Grove..
One factor is how much SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus is in the body before the symptoms of COVID-19 disease appear.
“If people get sick immediately after getting infected, they may stay in their beds at home and have little chance of getting the virus,” he said. Scientific american “How “Super Diffusion” Events Will Drive the Spread of COVID-19.. However, on the CDC website, it is believed that the incubation period for COVID-19 was extended to 14 days, with a median of 4-5 days from the onset of symptoms. 97.5% of those with COVID-19 report developing symptoms within 11.5 days of SARS-CoV-2 infection.”
Meanwhile, the infected individual can infect dozens of other people with the virus. The CDC estimates that about 40% of infections occur in presymptomatic people. Scientific american report.
But that’s not all bad news. The fact that situation is more important than biology may be good news for clinical laboratories. “It might be good to know that COVID-19 is a pandemic outbreak. It’s a good omen for control,” Nelson said. Boston Grove..
Laboratory managers should use CDC’s recommended safety protocols (“COVID-19 Guidance for general laboratory safety measures during a pandemic.. This can include social distances, one-way settings through the lab area, sanitization of shared surfaces such as counters and bench tops, and implementation of flexible vacation policies to allow sick employees to stay at home. included.
By following these guidelines and being aware of the Super Spreader, medical laboratories and anatomical pathology groups can protect staff and customers from infection.
— Dava Stewart
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