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Update on Testing, Quarantine Guidelines Released by ADPH | News


To learn more about COVID-19, the Alabama Department of Public Health (ADPH) has updated the COVID-19 patient and their contact testing priorities, listing and defining test types, and quarantine and quarantine requirements. Provides guidance.

“No one is immune to COVID-19, but it can overly affect some populations and communities,” ADPH said in a Thursday press release. “Everyone has a responsibility to help slow the spread of the virus in their homes, workplaces, educational institutions, and elsewhere….COVID-19’s testing resources help test everyone at the moment. Is insufficient.”

As of Thursday night, a cumulative total of 107,483 confirmed COVID-19 cases have been confirmed since the beginning of the pandemic in Alabama. Of these, 13,248 have been identified in the last two weeks.

There are a total of 905 confirmed cases in Tarapusa County, 62 in the last two weeks. 109 in Kuusa County, 7 in the last 2 weeks. 1,882 in Elmore County, 204 in the last two weeks.

Due to limited testing resources, ADPH recommends the following guidance in health alert network messages to providers:

Patient and laboratory testing priorities:

  1. Hospitalized patients with signs or symptoms of COVID-19 infection

  2. Other symptomatic and at-risk asymptomatic individuals, including but not limited to those in long-term care facilities

  3. Other individuals who are not experiencing symptoms when certain conditions are present

Test type:

  1. Diagnostic tests assess the presence of a virus at a particular point in time. Negative means only that the individual was negative at the time of the test. This can be affected by factors such as the quality of the sample collected, the timing of the collection during the incubation period, and sample handling.

  2. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and nucleic acid amplification tests (also called viral tests) detect the RNA genetic material of the COVID-19 virus and collect nasopharynx, middle turbinate, nasal cavity, oral or pharyngeal swabs or saliva Will be collected through. .. Some of these tests are currently available in the clinic.

  3. Antigen tests detect the presence of COVID-19-specific protein particles and are collected via respiratory system samples. Currently, two approved point of care tests are in use.

  4. Serology (antibody) tests are not diagnostic tests. These tests detect antibodies in the blood and indicate previous exposure to COVID-19, which can develop 6-14 days after infection. Off-the-shelf antibody tests have different capabilities.

Isolation, quarantine and employer requirements for reinstatement and retesting:

  1. During testing, you will be instructed to quarantine at home while waiting for test results. Those who are in close contact with the COVID-19 case are required to complete a quarantine period of at least 14 days, even with a negative test.

  2. People who test positive for COVID-19 should be isolated from others at home to reduce the risk of spreading the infection. If a positive person cannot be quarantined from a household member, the household member must remain in home quarantine 14 days after the positive person is released from quarantine.

  3. Employers must not routinely require a negative COVID-19 test in the laboratory as a requirement for employees to return to work. This is because the PCR test can remain positive after the individual is no longer infected. Instead, symptom-based or time-based methods are recommended, with some very rare exceptions. However, this does not mean that the employer must allow employees who currently have COVID-19 to return to work before the infection can be resolved.

  4. A person who recovers with a positive COVID-19 need not be quarantined again or retested for at least 90 days unless new symptoms appear consistent with a COVID-19 infection.

When to close contacts and remove quarantine:

  1. Close contact is anyone with exposure defined as being within 6 feet of a person infected with COVID-19 within 24 hours and no less than 15 minutes. The time of 15 minutes is a cumulative period. For example, a person with COVID-19 positivity may come into close contact with a person within 6 feet for 5 minutes at 8 am, 12 noon, and 5 pm each. This is a standard based on CDC guidance.

  2. Persons in close contact with confirmed or probable cases of COVID-19 have completed a quarantine period of at least 14 days, regardless of whether they cover their face or wear a normal mask. need to do it.

  3. Known exposures determined to meet the definition of close contact, regardless of whether the test for COVID-19 is negative, cannot leave quarantine. This means that if the COVID-19 test is negative, you will not be able to return to work, go back to school, participate in sports or other activities. This is because people exposed to COVID-19 who meet the definition of intimate contact will be infected for up to 14 days from the time of exposure. This period can be longer for a few people.

  4. The close contact allowance is intended for medical personnel who wear suitable personal protective equipment.

For more information on COVID-19, please visit:


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