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Singing or speaking produces a similar number of airborne particles, but mass increases with volume, research shows


of Coronavirus Pandemic is mainly paused live PerformanceBut new research suggests that there may be ways for singers to safely show off their talents: turn down the volume.

Preliminary data from New research According to the report, when singing or speaking at the quietest volume (about 50-60 decibels), neither activity is significantly different from breathing in terms of the release of airborne particles called aerosols. However, according to the survey, the higher the level, the different the level.

“This study shows that virus transmission in small aerosol particles produced when someone sings or speaks is equally possible by producing a similar number of particles in both activities.” Jonathan Reed, director of the ESPRC Aerosol Science Doctor Training Center and author of the corresponding paper, release According to Bristol University.

Homemade coronavirus face masks should be in 2 or 3 layers to prevent the spread of the virus.

The study PERFORM, published on the preprint server ChemRxiv, measured the number of aerosols and droplets (maximum diameter 20 micrometers) emitted by a group of 25 professional performers who performed singing, speaking, coughing, and breathing exercises. I checked. .. According to a news release, the survey evaluated participants who sang in the range of 50-60, 70-80, 90-100 decibels (dB) and spoke “Happy Birthday”.


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Studies show that virus transmission within aerosol particles produced when someone sings or speaks is equally possible by producing the same number of particles in both activities.

By: iStock

The researchers observed a rapid increase in aerosol mass, which increased 20-30 times as much volume increased during speaking and singing. But the song did not produce significantly more aerosol than speaking at a similar quiet volume, the report said.

When participants uttered “Happy Birthday” at various volume levels, the researchers found that the vocalization produced about 36 times more aerosol than breathing at 90-100 dB, the loudest singing and vocalization volume level. , 24 times more vocalization occurred, one researcher reports.

“The amount of activity is the main factor controlling the amount of aerosol produced, whether it’s speaking quietly, singing quietly, speaking loud, or singing,” Reed said. I told a news outlet.

Preliminary research investigates how coronaville particles travel through classroom and indoor areas

A team of researchers at the University of Bristol and Imperial College London wanted to accurately quantify the aerosols emitted by performers. Researchers used an orthopedic operating room with a “zero aerosol background” environment while measuring aerosols produced by vocalizations to eliminate false readings caused by particles found in the environment. The news release says it was avoided.

The authors of the study conclude that performing arts groups may treat singing in the same way as speaking, instead, the volume and duration of vocalizations during a performance, the number of performers and spectators, and the ventilation system of the venue. Focused on the efficiency of.

Corresponding research author Declan Costello, an otolaryngologist surgeon who specializes in voice disorders at Wexham Park Hospital, said: release.

“Our research has identified COVID-19 recommendations for art venues to operate safely for both performers and spectators by ensuring that the space is properly ventilated to reduce the risk of airborne transmission. It provided a rigorous scientific basis,” said a professor at Reed’s school and chemistry at Bristol University.

The authors cautioned that the data are preliminary, but hope that it will be added to live performance during future coronavirus pandemics and future studies moving towards a safe distance between spectators and performers. I am. According to a news release, the study was not yet peer reviewed and was supported by the British Public Health Service and the Department of Digital, Cultural, Media and Sports (DCMS).

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