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COVID-19 can stain your blood if your body shows these dreadful signs: US News: Latin Post


One of the most common effects of COVID-19, a respiratory disease, is severe damage to the lungs. This can make breathing difficult or impossible, especially in people who are strongly affected by the virus.

There is also increasing evidence that the new coronavirus affects the blood.

If your body shows these horrifying signs, then COVID-19 disease is in your blood

(Photo: Joe Raedle)
Florida Volunteers Participate in COVID-19 Vaccine Trial Hollywood, FL-August 7: COVID-19 Vaccination Study at US Research Center in Hollywood, FL, August 7, 2020 You can see the patient’s blood sample at. The US Research Center is currently conducting a COVID-19 vaccine trial under the Federal Operations Warp Speed ​​Program. The center is seeking volunteers to participate in clinical trials in collaboration with the federal government and major pharmaceutical companies competing to develop vaccines that prevent COVID-19.

according to, MSN Report, Here are some warning signs that COVID-19 is in your bloodstream.

Numbness and blood clotting

In a recent study published at Study of thrombosis, Blood coagulation has proven dangerous due to the simple fact that it can stop the blood flowing through the body. Some COVID-19 patients, including the latter half of Broadway actor Nick Cordero, were forced to amputate because of a “thrombotic event.”

A thrombosis study found that 315 of 184 COVID-19 patients had thrombotic complications. Thrombosis is the formation of blood clots in blood vessels known as blood clots. Prevents blood from flowing normally through the circulatory system. One of the first signs of a blood clot is when your fingers and limbs begin to feel pain, numbness, or swelling.

Deep vein thrombosis (DVT)

Many COVID-19 patients around the world also suffer from a condition called deep vein thrombosis (DVT). of American Heart Association I explained that there is a blood clot in the veins behind the limbs. This condition usually affects the deep veins of the foot. A deep vein clot may break and pass through the bloodstream. This condition is called pulmonary embolism when the blood clot travels to the lungs and blocks blood flow.

Patients with COVID-19 notice a toe change

Some young COVID-19 patients reported swollen lesions that had discolored toes. Medical professionals called this condition “COVID toes.” Dr. Humbertoche, a pulmonologist at the Cleveland Clinic, website Through his blog, he notes that it can cause a skin reaction that is caused by a small blockage of blood vessels and a small blood clot that is typically found on the toes.

Strange rash or discoloration of the skin

Many doctors report skin symptoms. One of them is Dr. Alisa Femía, NYU Langone’s Director of In-Hospital Dermatology and Specialist in Autoimmune Connective Tissue Disease. Signs such as these include strange skin discolorations and rashes in COVID-19 patients. The registry of symptoms is American Dermatological Association This includes recordings, studies, and immediate explanations of why coronavirus appears on the skin. Dr. Femia time That Preliminary survey It means that blood flow problems may be the reason for strange skin conditions.

Experience a blood clot

Doctors around the world report Abnormal Blood Coagulation in COVID-19 Patients, Especially Severe Patients, Dr. Jeffrey Laurence, a hematologist at Weill Cornell Medicine in New York City, CNN“The number of coagulation problems seen in ICU are all unrelated to COVID-19,” Lawrence said, coagulation problems appear to be shared among severe COVID cases. Added. Still, the exact process of how the coronavirus causes blood clots remains unclear. This condition may be related to pre-existing conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease.

Blood clot fills the lungs

Lancet Respiratory Medicine He published a new study that found that blood clots clog the lungs of African American COVID-19 patients. Dr. Richard Wanderheide, MD, who is the director of pathology and head of research at LSU Health New Orleans School of Medicine, explains: “We found that small blood vessels and capillaries in the lungs were occluded by blood clots and associated bleeding and contributed significantly to decompensation and death of these patients.” All 10 were involved in the study. Their bodies were examined by autopsy and found to suffer from an underlying condition that exacerbated the infection. Such conditions include obesity, diabetes, and high blood pressure.

Stroke experience

Patients of all ages with COVID-19 are said to experience stroke. Experts believe that it is inclined to clot. Many patients have no existing heart-related symptoms but are predisposed to stroke. There are no other COVID-19 symptoms when a stroke occurs. “There are a staggering number of young people self-isolating at home, like having a mild cough, not remembering any viral symptoms, or sudden strokes,” said a radiologist at the University of Toronto. Adam Dmitryu, MD, New York Times..

Heart attack or other heart damage

of Washington Post Blood clots can destroy the destruction of the patient’s heart, and COVID-19 reportedly weakens the heart muscle. Due to the weak myocardium, COVID-19 patients can have dangerous arrhythmias and heart attacks due to small blood clots.

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