Florida Keys to Use Genetically Modified Mosquitoes to Fight Zika Virus
Key Point
- Local Authorities Allowed Release of Genetically Engineered Mosquitoes in Florida Keys
- Zika virus raises some concerns about experimentation aimed at combating other diseases
- Zika virus can cause birth defects in babies during pregnancy
The Florida Keys are allowed to use genetically engineered mosquitoes in the fight against the Zika virus. The tropical islands at the southern tip of Florida are now planning to release more than 750 million mosquitoes that have been genetically modified to prevent the growth of female offspring.
Approval for the release of genetically modified mosquitoes in the Monroe County area was made despite public protests and opposition to possible effects of movements on human health and the environment. As a result, there are many voices expressing disagreements over approved projects.
Jade Hanson, Policy Director, International Technology Evaluation Center and Food Safety Center, Said in a statement The movement is like an experiment in Jurassic Park with unknown influence. He also called on the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to authorize it without seriously analyzing the associated environmental risks.
“The Mosquito Control Board is obligatory to our community and our products are not a dangerous and unreliable vendor. The Florida Keys Mosquito Control District (FKMCD) has a negative impact on public health, environmental health and the local economy. We need a true solution that benefits our community and ecosystem,” said Barry Ray, Executive Director of the Florida Keys Environmental Alliance.
The trial of genetically engineered mosquitoes was rejected by voters at the proposed proposed Heaven release site in 2016. But now, the local authorities have given final approval to projects that will be implemented from 2021 to 2022. So far no specific details have been given as to where and when the mosquitoes will be released exactly.
The main purpose of this project is to use a genetically modified mosquito as a viable alternative to insecticides in controlling the population of mosquitoes that can carry diseases such as Aedes aegypti, Zika virus and other dengue fever. To find out if there is. , Yellow fever, Chikungunya.
A US-owned, UK-based company, Oxitec is a project developing genetically modified organisms. In May, Oxitec CEO Gray Francen expressed excitement after the EPA acknowledged the request to conduct an experiment in Florida.
“It represents the groundbreaking work of hundreds of passionate people in multiple countries for over a decade, all from dengue, zika, yellow fever, and other vector-borne diseases. This is an exciting development because we want to protect the community.” Francen Said in a statement At the time.
The mosquito released in the Florida Keys, named OX5034, was designed to produce female progeny that each die during the larval stage. This is because only female mosquitoes bite human blood and in the process transmit the disease-causing bacteria they carry. Males only eat nectar and are not carriers of the disease, CNN report.
Diseases caused by the Zika virus are usually not fatal, but they are considered a major threat to babies. For one thing, infections during pregnancy can cause birth defects, and there are no vaccines or drugs available to treat them. Center for Disease Control and Prevention..
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