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A nurse given a few months to live in a hopeless battle for life-saving cancer treatment


Ah Determined nurse Those fighting cancer have revealed that she refuses to give up the fight for life.

Charlotte Law’s family began raising funds to access her potentially life-saving treatments after being diagnosed with her aggressive form Bile duct cancer last year.

Despite major surgery and chemotherapy, this week’s 28-year-old received heartbreaking news that the cancer had recurred, Derbyshire live Report.

A former Royal Derby Hospital nurse has also been warned that she will only live for a few months.

Charlotte received a disastrous diagnosis last year
(Image: Charlotte Law)

A former Royal Derby Hospital nurse has also been warned that she will only live for a few months.

But Charlotte, who also worked at the Queens Medical Center in Nottingham, vowed not to give up hope.

The GoFundMe page for women in Derbyshire, who met Kyle in “Soulmate” last year, collected incredible £60,000 in just under 24 hours and donated by more than 2,000 people.

This money can be used for one of two potentially life-saving treatments, one of which is only available in the United States.

The only other option is more chemotherapy with NHS, which is not a cure for cancer.

Charlotte says: “On Thursday, I had an interview with an oncologist. I went to the last round of chemotherapy.

“They said the cancer had recurred and there were spots on the entire liver. I was shocked and asked how long it took. They said they didn’t know, but it could be months. Maybe I can’t even explain what it was like when I heard it.

“I don’t want to believe it yet, but I want to find a breakthrough drug.

“I’m not ready to give up. I’ll give you something a little longer. With the support of the gofundme page, I want to fight for more opportunities in life.

“I and my partner planned our life, and I can’t imagine I can’t. I met my partner in July 2019 and lived as a 27-year-old regular pediatric nurse. was doing.”

Charlotte was first diagnosed with cholangiocarcinoma at the age of 27 in November 2019.

Fundraising for pioneering treatment has started
(Image: Charlotte Law)

After visiting the hospital for a scan of the autoimmune disease she had for 10 years, doctors accidentally discovered a rare cancer.

Charlotte is asymptomatic and has never heard of this type of illness before.

She said: “It was horrible. I went to a regular medical examination and was told I had a tumor.

“After removing the gallbladder and part of the liver to remove the cancer, chemotherapy was given to confirm that the cancer had completely disappeared.”

One treatment Charlotte has available is called SIRT, a new immunotherapy available in the UK, and another type of advanced liver transplantation, available only in the United States.

Neither comes with funding.

According to Charlotte, his brother launched the GoFundMe page after investigating alternatives to his beloved sister.

In a matter of hours, you’ve earned tens of thousands of pounds from friends, family and strangers.

Charlotte says she fights for her life
(Image: Charlotte Law)

Charlotte says: “I can’t believe my support. My family lost words. Every few minutes I go to a page and I can’t believe it.

“I feel very lucky. The support I have received is amazing and I cannot explain how grateful I am.”

Charlotte has organized to talk to doctors in Chicago and Christie’s Hospital in Manchester about breakthrough therapies.

Donate to Charlotte’s GoFundMe page here..

Charlotte’s Emotional Facebook Posts to Friends and Family

What if you were told that you only have a few months left?

You fight. With everything you have. For life. For love. For the people around you.

What if you have only a few months left?

You eat cake, sing in voice, and dance without anyone watching. You love wholeheartedly, go out and live the life you left behind.

What if you have only a few months left?

Thank you for every moment, every sight, every breath of this beautiful planet. You inhale great things and exhale the terrible things. It’s a cruel world. But it’s also beautiful and I thank you for being here.

I do everything to spend a little more time with my soulmate Kyle, my mother, my dad, my whole family, and my friends. I have a little more time. Despite the devastating prognosis, I will fight for my life for these few months. Please, don’t waste yours. You don’t know how lucky you are.

My family is setting up a crowdfunding page to raise money. This allows you to try different treatments in the UK and the US. We don’t have much time, so we thank you for your donation. Thank you x


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