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Vitamin D Supplements Are Essential for the Baby Intestinal Microbiome: Research-Health


Currently, a team of researchers sheds light on the effects of vitamin D supplementation on the gut microbiota of developing babies.

This study, published in the journal Gut Microbes, found that vitamin D supplementation was associated with changes in the composition of the 3-month-old baby’s microbiome, particularly megamonas with low bacterial counts.

“Vitamin D plays an important role early in life, supporting bone metabolism and the healthy development of the baby’s immune system,” said Professor of Pediatrics at the University of Alberta and a senior author of the CHILD cohort study. Said Anita Kozyrskyj. “Most babies in North America take vitamin D as a supplement to breastfeeding or as a component of over-the-counter infant formulas, so it’s important to understand that vitamin D and the presence or abundance of major bacteria in the baby’s intestinal tract are significant. I wanted to understand the relationship.”

Researchers examined fecal samples taken during home visits from 1,157 infants that were part of the CHILD cohort study-allergies, births with the primary goal of discovering the underlying causes of asthma. A national study tracking about 3,500 Canadian children from pre-adolescence, obesity, and other chronic illnesses.

They found that direct vitamin D supplementation to a baby by dripping vitamin D was associated with a reduction in the amount of megamonas, regardless of how the baby was breast-fed (breast-fed or breast-fed). I have found “While little is known about early Megamonas, our previous studies suggest that there may be a link between this bacterium and asthma or respiratory viral infections, Vitamin D may bring additional benefits to pediatric health that should be studied further,” Kozyrskyj also added, a member of the Institute for Women and Children’s Health.

The researchers also evaluated the association between infant and maternal vitamin D supplementation and the presence of Clostridioides difficile (C. difficile) in the baby’s intestine. “Some infants carry the diarrhea-causing bacterium, C. difficile, asymptomatically.

But when the levels of intestinal bacteria become imbalanced, this particular bacterium can multiply and cause disease, which can increase your susceptibility to chronic illness in the second half of childhood,” says U of A. Commented by Kelsea Drall, the first author to graduate MSc, an AllerGen trainee.

In this study, nearly 30% of infants carried C. difficile, but the incidence of bacteria was lower in infants who were breastfed alone. However, the supplementation of the baby by dropping vitamin D during pregnancy or after childbirth, as well as the supplementation of vitamin D by the mother, C. It was not associated with difficile colonization. “Interestingly, maternal consumption of vitamin D-enriched milk was the only factor that reduced the likelihood of C. difficile colonization in infants,” Drall added.

According to Kozyrskyj, the intestinal microbiota of infants changes rapidly in the early stages. Therefore, it is important to understand the factors associated with the microbial community that resides in the intestine of the infant during this important developmental period.

“Reduced vitamin D levels are associated with respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), a common lung infection in infants, and are more recently susceptible to COVID-19 disease,” she noted. “In a child cohort study, children were asked to understand how microbial changes observed as a result of dietary interventions were associated with subsequent health outcomes such as asthma and viral infections. As we take it, we have a unique opportunity to keep track of our children.”

(This article has been published from the telegraph agency feed without any changes to the text. Only the headings have changed.)

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