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Dr. Hakkani: New COVID-19 test also detects influenza virus



On August 5, the US Centers for Disease Control and Administration announced the development of a test for the virus that causes COVID-19. It also detects the presence of influenza A and B. Emergency use permits were also approved for the new test by the US Food and Drug Administration. This allows early diagnosis of three possible conditions instead of one, and the process also reduces the need for additional time, personnel and equipment.

In addition to the CDC laboratories, three public health laboratories evaluated the effectiveness of the new test. Previously unavailable genomes, or collections of intracellular molecular substances, were analyzed in these assessments. These genomes are not part of previous test development, and CDC predicts inclusion of them will improve test performance.

Benefits of the new test

A new test, Flu SC2, distinguishes three viruses in the upper and lower respiratory tracts. It also helps the lab handle more tests in a given time period. In addition, public health officials will find out more about coronavirus trends and influenza A and B in less time. One of the key advantages of the Flu SC2 is that it saves test material when there is a very high demand.

Diagnostic and antibody testing

Molecular and antigen tests are two methods used to diagnose the active presence of coronavirus infections. Molecular tests confirm COVID-19 by revealing the genetic material of the virus.

Antibody tests differ in that they detect the antibodies made by the body to fight the disease, not the presence of the disease itself. Antibodies are not used to diagnose active infections because they are produced in response to the infection and may remain for weeks after recovery.

Who should I test?

The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services has expanded its goals for the COVID-19 test. MDHHS has already recorded over 14,000 tests per day and plans to test an average of 15,000 people daily in the future in the future. Criteria for testing include asymptomatic and asymptomatic people.

Some of those with high-priority laboratory tests include inpatients, health care workers, first responders, workers, and residents of multiple personal care facilities. Individuals with potential COVID-19 symptoms should also be tested as soon as possible. Potential symptoms include shortness of breath, muscle aches, sore throat, vomiting, diarrhea, and loss of taste and smell.

Asymptomatic people are those who are scheduled to undergo surgery, have had contact with an infected person, or are living or working in a nursing home. Residents and workers of supported living facilities and places that house large populations, including prisons and prisons, should be tested.

Migrant workers and those who come in contact with them, food processors, and often those who come into contact with large groups should also be tested.

Where the test facility is

According to the CDC, as of August 19, more than 74 million COVID-19 tests have been conducted nationwide. The results showed more than 6 million positive results, or about 9% of the tested results. The US Department of Health and Human Services is working with pharmacies and other health-related businesses to expand the number of COVID-19 test retailers. In addition to the pharmacy, it includes a private clinic, a large grocery store with walk-in clinics, and a large retail store with a medical department. The purpose of this initiative includes increasing testing availability in metropolitan areas and in under-tested or socially vulnerable communities.

MDHHS’s special Coronavirus website has a quick search tool for testing your facility.

Ask Dr. Hakkani

If we have any questions about cardiovascular health, including heart, blood pressure, stroke lifestyle, and other issues, we would be happy to answer them. Questions should be emailed to Dr. haqqani ([email protected]).

Dr. Omar P. Haqqani is the Head of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery at Vascular Health Clinics in Midland.

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