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Google search for “anxiety” and “panic attacks” was the best ever in the early pandemic


From mid-March to mid-May, Google’s search for anxiety symptoms was the best in search engine history, according to researchers at a data-driven health center at the Qualcomm Institute at the University of California, San Diego.

The study was published Monday in a journal of the American Medical Association.

In particular, the Anxiety and Panic Attacks survey responded to major news events, including March 16, when national guidelines for social distance were enacted. And March 29, when those guidelines were expanded.

Queries also surged on April 3, when US President Donald Trump announced a facemask recommendation. On April 11, the number of deaths from coronavirus surpassed that of the United States.

The results will help leaders and policy makers Be able to inform the public health directives and how to empower people at risk to seek immediate help, The researchers said.

“Fear is more harmful to their health than Covid,” said John Ayres, lead author of the study and part-time associate professor at San Diego State University. “The results can help leaders listen and think about some of the costs of those methods overall.”

Timely insights into the mood of the people

Researchers monitored the frequency of searches for phrases such as “panic attack”, “anxiety attack”, “have you had a panic attack”, “signs of anxiety attack”, “symptoms of anxiety attack”.

Scientists compared the total number of anxiety-related searches in the early days of the pandemic with data dating back to January 2004, adjusting variables such as population growth and internet usage growth over the last two decades.

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The research team says the crisis believes that the crisis has increased 11% of searches associated with a 58-day panic attack, compared to when the trend for these search terms was towards the pre-pandemic.

Benjamin Althouse, an associate professor at the University of Washington, said: Research collaborators.

“The search for anxiety and panic attacks was by far the best search data we’ve had in over 16 years.”

The overall highest date was March 28, and the anxiety survey was 52% higher than expected the day before the social distance guidelines were extended in the absence of a puncture.

This study will be done one week after the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention published research data showing an increase in the number of people who reported increased substance abuse and reported serious consideration of suicide. Pronounced similarly To Black and Latin communities.

CDC Report Contains Amazing Statistics 1 in 4 People between the ages of 18 and 24 reported suicidal ideation 30 days before the investigation.

How to better help people at risk

The new data will help authorities design interventions that will directly benefit people in the midst of a panic attack and help researchers identify where and when emotional stress is high.

Ayers explains that search engine results can be used to provide more real-time insights with people at their current location compared to traditional survey methods such as phone surveys or enrolling participants in surveys. did.

“Hearing the public’s opinions can have a direct impact,” Ayres said. “We see people expressing needs and asking for help. Internet search is another route of intervention.”

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He and his team highlighted Illinois Call4Calm hotline, Developed by the Department of State’s Department of Welfare Mental Health provides anonymous support to those who are experiencing emotional stress and mental health problems during the Covid-19 crisis.

“This can be expanded,” he said.

Another way to deploy public health resources that people have the most access to may be to use existing search tools, such as Google’s OneBox, to prioritize useful information in an emergency. Argued.

OneBox features that search giants often use to highlight news, shopping, or image results are used to display phone numbers prominently. National suicide prevention lifelineIf you enter a search query related to suicide, 1-800-273-8255 than other search results.

Know the signs and what to do

According to you may be having a panic attack if you feel a fast or irregular heartbeat, chest pain, dizziness, headache, or loss of appetite National Health Service In England.

Emotional signs of a panic attack can be tense, tense, worried about the past or the future, weeping, unable to sleep or relax.

If you are experiencing symptoms of panic attacks, the NHS recommends gentle breathing, adequate exercise, eating a healthy diet, seeking peer support, and using a mindfulness or meditation app.

Mental health professionals also say that it is helpful to practice and schedule gratitude. Especially during the coronavirus crisis, if the news is causing anxiety, it is important to be aware of how and when to get involved in the media. This is also useful because restricting the use of social media can spread false information about the virus and conspiracy theories.

“A panic attack shouldn’t be taken lightly, as it can land someone in an emergency room with shortness of breath, heart pounding, chest pain, and a lot of fear,” he said. “Our results definitely justify the need for an increase in mental health services.”

CNN’s Sandee LaMotte contributed to this article.


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