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COVID-19 Vaccine: UIC Researchers Start Moderna Trial to Kill Coronavirus on Monday


Chicago (WLS)-The first COVID 19 vaccine trial in Illinois started on Monday.

In an exclusive interview with ABC7 Chicago, the chief investigator of the Chicago division of the UIC’s national trial said the first volunteer was to receive a vaccine or placebo this morning administered by a university researcher. This important step is underway here, despite the researchers looking for more volunteers to participate in a national survey aimed at enrolling 30,000 participants.

Dr. Richard Novak, Head of Infectious Diseases at UIC, said:

UI Health Physician Discusses Moderna Vaccine Trial

The pace of vaccine research is accelerating throughout the country, in part due to the Trump administration’s “Warp Operation Speed.” Several other potential vaccines have also been tested.

Today, only two couple volunteers are “registered” in Chicago to receive injections, but according to Novak, the university plans to grow to 20-40 per day in the coming weeks. ..

The UIC will lead the study in Chicago, enrolling up to 1,000 people, half receiving vaccines and half receiving placebo. About 500 people are vaccinated and given as two doses over a four-week period. The other half of the participants will receive a placebo.

Volunteers are screened to make sure they are not infected with the virus and then placed in either the study group receiving the investigational vaccine or the control group receiving the placebo. Neither researchers nor participants know who gets the vaccine. All participants are trained to keep an electronic diary to document their activity and potential symptoms.

“There are two UIC locations and one site at the University of Chicago,” said Novak.
Even if clinical trials begin here in Chicago, UIC researchers are still looking for the right type of volunteers to study, those at high risk of being exposed to the virus.

This includes racial and ethnic minorities, people living in multi-generational households, people over the age of 65, factory and warehouse workers, front-line workers, people in high-risk occupations such as healthcare workers. Is included, says Novak. Researchers emphasized that the study was safe for participants and encouraged them to contact the university whether they were vaccinated or placebo.

“We need people who are likely to be exposed when they are in the community,” Novak said. “What we need to look at to measure is whether this vaccine protects them.”

The researchers track participants for two years, but Novak said early results from the trial may be available before that.

The UIC program started later than expected, and clinical trials have already begun at other sites in the country that are part of an initiative led by Moderna and the National Institutes of Health.

The Moderna vaccine candidate is an RNA-based vaccine designed to help the body produce antibodies that protect against COVID-19.

If you’re interested in volunteering for a trial, you can sign up from the UIC. Online registry, Including a two-part questionnaire, or National registration.. If you have questions, you can also contact the UIC researchers at 312-355-0656.

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