Face masks can negatively affect attitudes toward social distances-study
A study suggests that wearing face masks can have a negative impact on social distance attitudes.
According to a team of behavioral scientists at Warwick Business School, people felt comfortable sitting and standing near others while wearing masks.
Studies also show that people will keep closer distances from others wearing masks.
In addition, those who believe that face masks are effective in preventing the spread of coronaviruses suggest that they or another person is likely to reduce distance if they are wearing the mask. I am.
Scientists say it may be difficult to reestablish social distance measurements if their findings are needed to help control the virus during the second wave event. say.
Ashley Lackman, a research fellow at Warwick Business School and the lead author of the study, said: “Our findings seem to be a classic example of risk compensation.
“Wearing a mask lowers the overall risk of Covid-19’s spread, making people feel safer and more willing to accept other risks, such as reducing their physical distance from others. ..
“If the government’s goal is to minimize the spread of the virus, the guidelines must be clear enough to prevent this trade-off, stressing that masks are not an alternative to social distance. I will.”
Researchers showed 800 participants in British photos of people sitting, standing, or walking and asked to show how close they were prepared to stand in different scenarios ..
These include indoor and outdoor settings and whether both people, only one person, or neither is wearing a mask.
In both scenarios, if you or someone else is wearing a mask, you are more likely to tolerate a reduction in distance. This was the result of a pre-print survey that had not been peer reviewed.
On average, participants wearing masks were comfortable standing 1.8 meters from others.
Without a mask, they preferred to stay more than 2 meters apart.
Those with the strongest belief that masks prevented the capture of Covid-19 were ready to stand near other people when they wore them.
Those who believed they were at the highest risk of being hospitalized because of the virus were more likely to stay longer.
Daniel Reed, professor of behavioral sciences at Warwick Business School, said:
“If the country needs to return to a higher level of physical distance because of the second wave of cases, it can be more difficult to implement than when mask usage was low at the onset of a pandemic.
“We need more evidence to determine when the risk of shortening the physical distance outweighs the benefits of wearing a mask.
“Obviously, the greatest benefit comes from complementing social distances, rather than using masks to complement them.”
This survey was conducted before it was mandatory to wear face covers in shops in England.
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